
TGT (Tight) – A New Kind Of Wallet

Tight Wallet

This article was written by Salvador Briggman.

I don’t know about you, but my wallet looks a lot like George Costanza’s on NBC’s hit show Seinfeld. I pretty much have everything I need and don’t need from gift cards to old receipts to expired gym memberships that I know I probably won’t renew. The thing has taken on a life of its own, and what’s worse is I feel guilty when I take items out because of the off chance I might need them in some unforeseeable circumstance.

The other day, I was scanning products on Kickstarter and came across the “TGT,” this new wallet that focuses on storing the absolute essentials. It’s kind of cool and seems about half the size of a normal wallet. Going out, I always feel like I have two massive bricks in my pockets, one being my phone and the other being my nice, albiet large, wallet. I really like the compact design of the TGT and it looks secure enough that nothing would fall out.

Remarkably, with only a $20,000 fundraising goal, this product raised $317,424 in a span of 30 days. Check out the product image below.

It looks pretty small, right? It comes in a variety of colors and fabrics. Personally, I like the dark leather the most. The Kickstarter campaign is over, but it can be bought at the company’s website for about $30. Check out some of the other cool products on Kickstarter. You might be surprised what you find!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips