
20 Ways to de-stress while running a crowdfunding campaign

Oh boy, if you haven’t launched a crowdfunding campaign yet, let me clue you in. It’s hard work.

Not only do you have to work every day in preparation for the launch of the campaign, but, once you’re live, you have to keep marketing it!

You don’t even get a break when your campaign is over. You have to ship out all of those rewards.

I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to be stressed out for a few months during this period of massive action and extreme focus.

If you find yourself getting a bit too stressed out about everything you have going on, revisit this article for some of the techniques I’ll mention below that you can use to feel more refreshed and relaxed.

1. Listen to music. Listening to music has a long list of scientifically proven benefits (which you can learn more about here). Music can help reduce stress, increase performance and help with insomnia, for example.

2. Take a walk. walking also has a lot of health, mind and body benefits as outlined in this Psychologies post. A leisurely walk can help get your blood flowing again after sitting down all day and have a positive effect on your mood.

3. Call a friend. We are social creatures and happiness is infections. One of the quickest ways to change your emotional state is to get around people who will take your mind off the crowdfunding campaign. Soon, you’ll be laughing and reminiscing and your nerves will dissipate.

“Researchers have found that people are happier when they are with other people than when they are alone—and the “boost” is the same for introverts and extroverts” – Source.

4. Turn off the internet and your phone. This seems a little bit contradictory if you are running an online crowdfunding campaign, but even in small amounts unplugging can do a lot of good.

“67% of cell phone owners check their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating.” – Source

Turning our devices off can give us a chance to enjoy true solitude and help us remember to live in the present moment instead of obsessing about what we might be missing online.

5. Watch something funny. websites like Break or College Humor are basically made for this, they let us have a quick laugh and get back to work.

One of Sal’s favorite “mini-breaks” is to browse the r/Funny subreddit.

6. Look at pictures of cute animals: icanhascheezburger and r/aww.

7. Do yoga or stretch: there are tons of videos and resources online for beginners who want to try yoga and also resources for people who are more experienced. Taking a 20 minute break to do a workout like this one can be a great way to feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

8. Look at the stars. Nature is magical. Take a second to really appreciate your surroundings. How amazing is it that we live in on a planet with such beautiful plants and animals?

9. Plant something. Gardening can be a fantastic pastime for those who are interested in it, although not everyone has the space (indoor plants are nice too though!). The long list of benefits people get from gardening include stress relief, higher self-esteem, improved heart and brain health, reduced Alzheimer’s risk, better mental health and more.

10. Go for a run. “According to the International Journal of Stress Management, exercisers experienced less anxiety and showed a reduced change in heart rate and blood pressure when they were placed in a stressful situation than non-exercisers did.” – Source.

11. Visit a family member. Life is short and all too often, we spend too much time at the office. Take some time out of your day to visit a family member that you haven’t seen in a while to get your mind off all the negative and stressful thoughts that you’ve been having.

12. Do something artistic. You can find tons of DIY art projects all over the internet. One that I’ve personally tried recently is drawing mandalas. This is a great beginner project that can improve focus, creativity, artistic skill and mental well-being.

13. Write in a journal. A lot of highly successful people practice journaling. It might sound a little bit lame at first, but once you see the long list of benefits you may change your mind.

Journaling can improve your IQ, make you more mindful, help you achieve goals, increase emotional intelligence and more!

14. Take a bath. What’s more relaxing than a hot bath after a long day?

15. Play a board game. As Kickstarter campaigns have shown us again and again, board games are super popular amongst regular crowdfunding backers. It just so happens that they are also a great way to take a break and have some fun; you get to enjoy time with friends and family, get away from your screens for a while, and improve memory, creativity and problem solving at the same time!

16. Bake something. It doesn’t have to turn out well, but the simple act of baking forces you to concentrate on the task at hand and will get your mind off your campaign.

17. Dance. Emotion is created by motion. Dancing and physical activity changes your biochemistry. It forces your mind to liven up and after you’ve finished, you’ll feel more alive.

18. Meditate. If you have ever been interested in meditation, maybe now is the time to try. Meditating has a lot of benefits, including: increased attention span, increased immune system, improved metabolism, better sleep, improved brain functioning and much more – but to enjoy them you must meditate regularly.

19. Volunteer. Volunteering in your local community or in a struggling community is a great way to reset your values and making you reevaluate your life. It forces you to think about others and be grateful for your situation, rather than dwell on your problems.

20. Read a book. Reading a book that captivates your interest and draws you in is a great way to take a break and reduce stress. Not only does help you relax, it also improves your vocabulary, analytical thinking skills, focus and concentration (to name a few).


We all do it. We get so wrapped up in our hectic schedules that we let our stress get out of hand.

The truth is that we perform better and are healthier when we learn to take a moment to be more self-aware. It’s okay to admit that you need some time away from work to refocus.

Think of some of your favorite things to do – things that make you happy. Make time in your schedule for a few of these things each week to help make your crowdfunding experience more productive and less stressful. As you can see, a lot of the simple things on this list help you reduce stress but also come with added benefits that can improve your overall well-being!

What are some of your favorite ways to relax and reduce stress?

About Author

Krystine Therriault is a journalist, blogger, and the community manager for CrowdCrux. She loves learning about new trending projects and dissecting them to bring new tips and information to creators.