
3 Key Secrets to Crowdfunding Success

So you’ve read all the articles online.

You’ve gotten some basic tips when it comes to crowdfunding.

What about the things that AREN’T talked about?

You can see the outside of a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign. You see how much the project has raised.

But – what is really happening behind the scenes?

With today’s YouTube video, I want to share three secrets with you when it comes to crowdfunding success.

If you follow my advice to a tee, you’re going to significantly improve the chance that you hit and surpass your crowdfunding goal.

Did you find this video to be helpful?

Did you find it to be useful?

If so, you’re gonna LOVE some of the other content that I’m coming out with. To get it, just subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Make sure that you also turn on notifications so you get an email whenever I release a quality video. You’ll be able to stay up to date on the latest crowdfunding techniques and strategies.

Now, while I have you here, let me ask you a question…

1. Why do crowdfunding campaigns blow up?

Why does it happen? Why does a campaign get an influx of funding?

Well – I answer this exact question in the video. It’s the first tip!

One thing I will say is that it’s not the reason you think. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes. Many people don’t even know what I shared.

It’s kind of like how the best written book isn’t always the best selling book. There’s a difference between quality and perceived quality. A difference between something we can intellectually appreciate and something we emotionally crave.

Your goal, as an entrepreneur or creative type, should not be to hold up your creation and seek out approval. Instead, it should be to learn how to communicate your discovery or creation to your customers.

How can you tell them about it in a way that will make them care?

The answer to this is at the heart of why campaigns are funded and blow up.

2. Does company growth “just happen?”


That’s another MYTH that’s propagated by entrepreneurs who want to see like their success is just happening organically.

In reality, it’s extremely rare for a company to organically see rapid growth from the strength of their product alone. There always has to be work on the side of marketers for growth to happen.

Now, that work could encompass things like:

  • High resolution photos
  • Killer pitch videos
  • Storytelling and selling
  • Email marketing, etc.

However, in the video I put together for you, I share something that’s actually even more at the heart of company growth. It’s what will put you head and shoulders above other startups out there.

3. Emotional triggers are behind backing and buying decisions

There are specific emotional triggers that are behind that decision to back your crowdfunding campaign. The same can be said of customers who buy your products.

Throw all your beliefs out the window. I’ll clue you in on the real motivation underlying all human behavior.

It’s one word: emotions. 

We must first feel emotions before we make a decision to buy a product, hire a service provider, or invest in a project.

Those specific emotions have been studied and catalogued (see here). With my video, I reveal why this is the case and also how to go about doing this.

Access the rest of the secrets

If you enjoyed the video that I put together for you (along with this blog post), then I want to share the rest of the secrets with you.

You can gain full access to the Kickstarter Launch Formula here. Along with discovering some of these key lessons, I’ll also give you full access to the audio files so that you can learn on the go.

When you enroll, you’ll discover:

  • A remarkably easy way to get instantly funded in record time
  • How to engineer a viral Kickstarter campaign
  • A surefire storytelling formula for a killer pitch video
  • How to be successful on Kickstarter (without a big following or “crowd”)
  • Powerful weapons of mass influence that work every time
  • And much more…

Many of the strategies, tactics, and resources you’re about to discover took me years to learn. They are extremely powerful and effective for bringing funding to your Kickstarter campaign.


About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips