
5 New Indiegogo Tips and Tricks

Looking to raise money on Indiegogo

In this article, I’m taking you through some of the newest tips and tricks that I have for you when it comes to crowdfunding on Indiegogo. 

You’ll discover exactly how to get funding, and come away with some ways to have a successful campaign

If you’re in the preparation stages for an upcoming launch, this post is for you! 


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I’m consistently putting out awesome videos that will help you with all things crowdfunding. 

For now, let’s dive into some Indiegogo tips and tricks! 

Build an Effective Pre-Launch 

In order to get people interested and excited about your upcoming campaign, you need to build a dedicated pre-launch strategy

This will help you to rank better in the Indiegogo marketplace based on the Gogo Factor—an algorithm that helps campaigns achieve greater visibility on the platform. 

Having a crowd behind you before you go live on Indiegogo will ‘prime the pump’ for an important initial dose of funding. 

You’ll want to raise 30% to 50% of your fundraising goal within the first couple days of your campaign to reach the critical mass necessary to trend on the platform. 

Effective pre-launch includes: 

Compelling Pitch Video 

An awesome pitch video is one of the most important factors of your entire campaign. 

When a potential backer reaches your campaign page, their eyes will be immediately drawn to your video. This video can make or break a potential backer converting into a customer. 

Your video should create interest and an emotional response from your backers. 

You want people to be asking questions that pique interest. By creating a short, punchy video that delivers value, you can evoke an emotional response. 

For more in-depth information as to how to craft this vital portion of your campaign, check out this video

Fixed versus Flexible Funding 

One of the most unique features of Indiegogo as compared to other platforms like Kickstarter are their funding options

Fixed versus flexible funding basically translates to all-or-nothing or keep-what-you-raise

With an all-or-nothing funding strategy, you have to hit or exceed your fundraising goal in order to collect those funds. 

While this strategy can be a little bit intimidating, if you need a certain amount of money to make good on shipping and manufacturing your rewards, it can save you some real headache. 

With the keep-what-you-raise model, you keep all funds whether you hit your fundraising goal or not. 

Although this sounds enticing at first, there are risks associated with this funding strategy. For example, if you need to raise $10,000 in order to meet a minimum order quantity but only raised $5,000, you are still required to fulfill the rewards to those that pledged to your campaign. 

That means you could be responsible for procuring that remaining $5,000 on your own, which can be really stressful. 

Your Marketing Strategy 

In order to maximize the funds you receive, you have to understand where pledges come from. 

The crowdfunding industry has changed a lot since its inception ten years ago. Because there was less competition, it was easier to get eyes on your campaign. 

Nowadays, you need a rock-solid marketing strategy to get traffic and then convert that traffic into actual backers. 

When it comes to marketing, it can take on several different forms, including: 

  • Social media 
  • Media outreach to bloggers and reporters
  • Targeted email lists 
  • Paid ads through mediums like Facebook Pixel

To build a marketing strategy, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What are your resources? 
  • How much time do you have to dedicate to marketing? 
  • How much money do you want to raise? 

The higher your campaign fundraising goal, the more you will need to invest in marketing. You aren’t going to reach a six-figure goal organically; you’ll need to use some paid methods to generate traffic. 

Study Successful Campaign Pages 

The campaign page itself should be a sales page. 

Through intriguing headlines, use of images and gifs, and writing value-driven campaign text, you can sell your product to potential backers. 

The best way to understand these best practices is to simply look at campaigns that are trending well on Indiegogo

You can draw inspiration from these campaigns, and implement some of these strategies as a sincere form of imitation. 

Always keep consumer attention at the forefront of your strategy. Nothing should appear on your campaign page that doesn’t work to attract their attention

Bonus Tip: Indiegogo In-Demand

Indiegogo In-Demand is a marketplace built into the Indiegogo platform that allows you to continue to raise funds and build your backer community after you have successfully reached your fundraising goal. 

Even if you launched your campaign on Kickstarter, you can actually move the campaign over to Indiegogo In-Demand to continue raising money. 

The coolest thing about the In-Demand program is the social proof your campaign will receive. 

When someone comes to your page and sees tons of funds and backers, your project gains legitimacy. It’s also super easy to set up as compared to an online store. 


I hope you found these new Indiegogo tips and tricks to be helpful. 

You can build an awesome Indiegogo campaign by: 

  • Creating a successful pre-launch strategy 
  • Making a compelling pitch video 
  • Making educated decisions about funding types 
  • Cultivating a dedicated marketing strategy 
  • Studying successful campaigns 
  • Utilizing programs like Indiegogo In-Demand

Looking for more awesome crowdfunding advice? Subscribe to my YouTube channel and check out my Podcast for all the best tips and advice from insiders from the industry. 

Getting ready to launch? 

Book a free coaching call with me. I’ve helped tons of campaigns raise money on Indiegogo, and I’d love to go to work for your campaign! 

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips