
9 Best Kickstarter Marketing Companies and Agencies

Do you want help getting the word out about your Kickstarter campaign?

I’ve assembled a comprehensive list of the top Kickstarter marketing companies. These companies will help with marketing, promoting, and getting attention to your crowdfunding campaign.

Before you know it, you’ll see a surge in backers, traffic, and funding!

Now… just because you have access to a big advertising budget and the experience of seasoned marketers doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed success on Kickstarter.

You also need a strong pre-launch plan and the right product.

I talk all about this in my book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula, which is currently available on Amazon. You can get the free audio book with Audible’s 30-day Free Trial.

If you don’t educate yourself before going into a crowdfunding campaign, you’re going to waste tons of money and you’ll certainly regret it later.

Let’s get to some of the websites that you can use to get the word out about your Kickstarter campaign. I’ve listed them below.

1. The Gadget Flow

In full disclosure, The Gadget Flow is the sponsor of my podcast. I’ve worked with Evan over the years and have come to know a lot about his operation.

This website is focused on marketing and promoting your campaign. They’re designed to get you more exposure with their marketplace of gadget enthusiasts.

Pricing is steep, but there is also the potential for large exposure.

2. Eventys Partners

Command Partners recently joined hands with Enventys to offer product development, marketplace validation, and crowdfunding support to entrepreneurs.

You can use their agency to construct a crowdfunding launch from start to finish. They’ll help you brand your project correctly and get the word out to potential backers.

I recently had these guys on my podcast. The episode is coming out soon, so don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes for updates.


This is a resource that you can use to submit a free or enhanced press release and get the word out to the media about your crowdfunding campaign.

There are also options to be shared on social media, on the homepage, to have your press release written by staff, and more. I helped set up this website at the request of my readers.

4. Jellop Crowdfunding

Jellop will help you get more backers by doing Facebook and Google ads. I’ve heard good things about them from my podcast listeners.

This is a great option if you’re already seeing traction and interest with your campaign. You can use their services to get more backers in the door.

5. Funded.Today

Funded.Today is another company that you can use as an alternative to Jellop. They will help primarily by running Facebook ads for your crowdfunding campaign.

It’s clear that they’ve gotten results for campaigns. They were also one of the first major companies, in my mind, to see a great deal of success from the Facebook advertising angle.

Unfortunately, I find some of their business practices distasteful (based on what I’ve heard from previous customers and employees).

I have also had students who have had very negative experiences with these guys.

6. Agency 2.0

I recently had Agency 2.0 on my podcast. They’ll help with marketing, PR, and advertising for your crowdfunding campaign. Essentially, they operate as an all-in-one crowdfunding agency.

You can listen to my podcast episode with this company.

7. Krowdster

Krowdster is software that you can use to build up your social media following, create pre-launch pages, access media lists, or download backer lists.

They are an alternative if you have a smaller budget and want to do more of the marketing yourself.

8. BackerCamp

I’ve known about BackerCamp for a while and they are listed in Indiegogo’s partner program. You can use their services to get the word out about your Kickstarter campaign.

They’ve also been mentioned and discussed on my forum.

9. HyperStarter

HyperStarter is a frequent poster on my forum, They’ve made more than 670 posts!

I’ve gotten to know their website over the years. They help with marketing, promotion, and advice. They also have a “free Kickstarter campaign checker” on their website.


As you can see, there are a lot of companies and agencies in the industry that can market and promote your crowdfunding campaign.

There are also many consultants that can help!

It comes down to your budget and how much you want to invest in your campaign’s launch.

I’ve said it time and time again. If you want to raise a significant try to budget at least $5 – 8k for the launch of your Kickstarter campaign. This should go towards:

  1. Education and Training
  2. Pre-Launch Marketing
  3. On-Going Marketing, Advertising and PR. 

Want more personalized support?

Our expert team is ready to market and promote your crowdfunding campaign. Book a coaching call with the founder of CrowdCrux Salvador Briggman today, and let’s work together to get this book in front of your audience!

Good luck with your Kickstarter journey. We’re here to help if you need us!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips