
Complete Patreon Marketing Strategy – 7 Key Steps

Over the past couple of years, Patreon has rapidly risen in popularity to become one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms, right up there with Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe.

Thanks to its easy subscription-based model, it’s given creators with multiple projects an opportunity to get funding on a recurring basis.

If you’ve decided to set up a Patreon page to fund your creative work, you’ll probably discover that your fans and followers are excited and eager to support you.

However, you can’t just set up a page and wait for the cash to start flowing in.

Building a brand on Patreon requires the use of smart, directed promotional strategies to help you reach an audience big enough to keep funding you.

The good news is that tons of creators are already using Patreon successfully for their ventures, and they’ve proven its efficacy.

If you want to hear their insights into the platform, check out my ebook Tricks for Launching a Successful Patreon Campaign, which is a collection of over 20 interviews I’ve done with successful Patreon creators.

It covers everything from launching your page and getting your first Patrons, to making enough money to turn your passion into a full-blown career.

In this article, we’ll go over how to market your Patreon page so that you can start building a community of financial supporters who love what you do.

Here’s our complete guide to Patreon marketing strategy!

1. What is Patreon?

Founded by musician Jack Stratton of Pomplamoose fame, Patreon is currently the most popular subscription-based crowdfunding platform for independent creators of all kinds.

Unlike sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter, Patreon allows you to get funding for your career as a whole rather than one individual project. This makes it a favorite among people who are trying to make a living as content creators.

Through Patreon, subscribers (called Patrons) pay a monthly fee to be a part of your page, which includes access to exclusive content and other rewards. In return, you get recurring funding for your future projects from the people who appreciate them the most.

Who Uses Patreon

Plenty of successful creators have used Patreon to fund their ventures, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

In order to get the most out of it, you’ll need to be able to release a variety of content regularly to keep your audience coming back for more every month, so inventors, start-up founders, and others with one-time projects will probably have better luck elsewhere.

Types of creators who find success on Patreon include:

If you fall into one of these categories, Patreon might be worth a try, especially if you already have an existing audience eager to support you!

Check out some of our Patreon tutorials to find out how to get started.

Setting up a page is easy enough, but how do you get people to subscribe so you can start gathering funds? That’s where it gets a little tricky.

Let’s take a look at some tried and true Patreon marketing best practices.

2. Develop a Brand Voice

You may not see yourself as a professional marketer, but if you’ve built up any kind of audience already, chances are there’s a reason people want to hear your authentic voice, and you can use that to your advantage.

Remember, Patreon promotion strategy is just about talking to your audience, and you probably already know about that. 

You don’t have to adopt a “salesy” tone if it doesn’t suit you, and in fact, it’s probably better if you don’t. People like knowing that their favorite creators are down-to-earth, friendly people, and they’re likely to be more comfortable contributing to you if they don’t feel like you’re being disingenuous and trying to take advantage of them.

Work on developing an authentic voice in your marketing materials that reflects your brand. In other words, just be yourself! 

When it comes to developing a brand voice for promoting our Patreon effectively, there is no one-size-fits-all rule. It all depends on who your audience is and why they listen to you.

For example, if your content is generally oriented around serious political activism, your brand voice should take on a more serious tone in your marketing materials. 

On the other hand, if you’re an artist who creates quirky webcomics, your audience will expect you to crack a few jokes at every opportunity.

Also, if you aren’t aware, I’ve recently put together a new FREE course that’s packed with Patreon tips, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods

You should check it out if you want to get more Patrons and you want to fast-track the entire process.

3. Offer Exclusive Rewards

When you ask someone to contribute to your Patreon page, there’s one big question they will ask: What’s in it for me?

Your fans appreciate what you do and want to see more of it, but that isn’t always enough to compel them to give their extra cash, especially since you’re competing with millions of other creators and causes that also want their money.

The best way to build a Patreon audience and get more backers is to offer incentives for subscribing. 

As with most crowdfunding platforms, rewards are a key element of Patreon. They should be exclusive and relevant to your backers.

Depending on the nature of your content, possible rewards you can offer might include:

  • Bonus content
  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • Early releases
  • Physical merch like t-shirts, stickers, CDs, or artwork
  • Live streams
  • Tutorials
  • Custom content

Remember, if what you are doing is worthwhile, you deserve to be paid for it, so don’t be afraid to offer some extra perks to your backers.

Here are some essential Patreon marketing tips and tricks for offering rewards.

Create Reward Tiers

Each member of your audience is likely to be working with a different budget, so it’s usually not a good idea to offer a blanket subscription fee for everyone. It’s better to let your patrons pay what they can afford.

That’s why Patreon allows creators to set up multiple reward tiers for people to choose from.

Some reward tiers might be more expensive than others, but they might offer access to even more content. Others might be less expensive and provide access to a more limited amount of content.

This way, no one goes home empty-handed, and everyone gets an opportunity to support you and join the community without breaking the bank.

Stick to a Schedule

Remember, just because someone joins your Patreon this month doesn’t mean you can still count on them next month.

You need to give your patrons a reason to keep coming back for more, and that means putting out new content regularly and reliably.

If you go dark for too long, your fans will wonder what they’re paying for and drop out.

The best way to avoid this problem is to create a realistic content schedule and stick to it.

Be diligent with your work so that your fans feel they are getting their money’s worth.

It’s also important to keep releasing free content for your non-Patreon audience, as well. After all, that’s how your fans found you in the first place, and high-quality free content will always be the best advertisement for your Patreon.

Tease Your Content

Keeping Patreon content exclusive doesn’t mean keeping it a secret. You should let your fans know what they’re missing out on by not becoming patrons.

Make sure to hint at what’s behind the paywall and tease your exclusive content to get your audience excited about it.

Tell them that what’s available for free is only a portion of what you have to offer and that there’s even more waiting on Patreon. This will create excitement and intrigue for the rewards you are offering.

By the way, if you’re serious about turning your passion into profit, this resource I put together is going to blow your mind

This comprehensive guide is the result of over 20 interviews that I’ve conducted with successful Patreon creators. 

Learn what it’s like to run a Patreon campaign, from preparing the launch to getting Patrons, growing your community, and turning your passion into profit.

These are Tricks for Launching a Successful Patreon Campaign.

4. Reach Out to Your Audience

When it comes to promoting your Patreon effectively, there’s one golden rule that always rings true: People can’t join your Patreon if they don’t know that it exists.

You need to spread the word by posting links and promotional content in as many places as possible.

Fortunately, this is easier than ever thanks to the internet, and if you already have an audience, you know how and where to engage people.

So, what are the best Patreon marketing tools for reaching your audience and advertising your campaign? 

Here are some Patreon promotion ideas every creator should consider.

Social Media

Virtually everyone is on at least one social media platform nowadays. That might even be where your audience found you in the first place, and it’s a great way for them to learn about your Patreon.

Where do you have the largest following of dedicated fans? Go there and post some info about your campaign.

Right now, Instagram is one of the top platforms for creators to promote their Patreon pages. Its adaptable algorithm makes you more likely to reach people with relevant interests, and its focus on image and video-based content gives you an opportunity to showcase your work.

Put your Patreon link in your bio and be sure to mention it in as many posts as possible!

Other social media for Patreon promotion include:

  • Twitter (
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit

Email Marketing

Never underestimate email marketing! It allows you to get in direct contact with anyone who wants to hear from you, and that makes it one of the most powerful Patreon marketing tools you have.

You can’t expect all your fans to be browsing social media at the right time to see your updates, but most people do check their email regularly, so they’re less likely to miss communications from you that way.

Use a service like Leadpages to create and share a landing page so that you can collect email addresses from people who are interested. Then you can use a tool like AWeber or ConvertKit to reach your audience members directly.

Don’t give people a chance to forget who you are. Send out communications regularly to keep them updated on your work and their opportunities to support you through Patreon.

Community Forums

When building a brand on Patreon, it helps to have a “home base” community where fans can gather together.

Not only does this give you an opportunity to share updates with your audience, but it also gives them an opportunity to communicate with one another to discuss their shared interest in your work and build hype for your future projects.

It partly serves as a way to let your fans do some of the marketing for you.

Platforms for this include Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, Discord, or your own forum.


Want to know a great way to get access to a whole new group of potential fans?

Collaborate with another popular creator who makes content similar to yours!

People love collaborations because they often result in new and uniquely creative pieces of work.

They also help get you in front of a new audience.

The best part about this marketing strategy is that it is mutually beneficial. You’ll have access to their audience and they’ll have access to yours, which is often the beginning of a fruitful partnership.

If you’ve ever considered working with another creator on a project, don’t be afraid to reach out. Chances are, it will be a great opportunity for both of you.

5. Include Calls to Action

No matter what channel you are using, your marketing materials should always include a call to action. You need to tell your audience what you want them to do, and what you want them to do is join your Patreon.

Make your ask clearly and explicitly and let your fans know what they have to gain by becoming Patrons.

You should also make this as easy for them as possible. Don’t count on your fans to find your page themselves. Give them a link and explain how they can join. 

6. Say “Thank You”

When someone does something nice for you, the polite thing to do is say “thank you”, and this is as true on Patreon as it is in real life.

Extend a heartfelt shout-out to your supporters in a video, social media post, email, or other outreach effort.

Please like to feel appreciated, so expressing your gratitude gives them an incentive to continue supporting you. It may also make new fans feel inclined to become patrons, too.

7. Communicate Your Values

As a final thought, one of the most important functions of your Patreon page and promotional materials is to communicate your values. 

People like to feel like they’re a part of something meaningful, and you can facilitate this by using your marketing content to describe your visions and objectives for your projects.

Why are your projects important to you? How do they contribute to a larger goal? How will the funding you receive advance your cause?

In other words, use your promotional materials to give people a reason to become a part of your community and join your Patreon. Let them know why their support matters. Make them feel good about where their money is going.


If you believe your content is valuable, you can almost certainly promote it on Patreon.

Tap into what makes your work worthwhile and speak to your audience on their level, and you’re likely to amass a large group of supporters to keep you going.

If you really want to become a Patreon pro and turn your passion into a self-sustaining career, we have the perfect course for you, and it’s FREE!

Sign up for our free Patreon Course for a complete toolkit of easy tricks and tips for Patreon success. It’s the best way to learn all the ins and outs of Patreon so you can get the most mileage out of it and give your projects what they deserve.

Remember, the world needs your work so don’t stop creating!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.