
Creative Ways to Get Kickstarter or Indiegogo Backers

Do you want to get more backers on Kickstarter or more supporters on Indiegogo?

You’ve tried some of the traditional approaches out there and you’re all tapped out. Now, you’re wondering some other ways that you can spread the word, get attention, and get backers.

Today I’m going to share with you a few creative ways to get backers for your crowdfunding campaign. These are creative ideas for spreading the word.

If you implement these, I think you’ll be happy with the results. Enjoy.

What did you think of the vid?

Did you take away a new strategy you hadn’t considered?

That was my goal with this video and all of the ones I put out. I put new YouTube videos out weekly. If you’d like to be notified when they come out, take a sec to subscribe and turn on notifications.

So, why are these ways creative and how can they help your Kickstarter campaign?

1. Try things that other people aren’t

In my book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula, I went into tons of strategies for promoting a Kickstarter campaign effectively. I taught how to get pledges and get traffic.

This is a killer place for getting started because I document what others are doing to smash their goal. Now… if you’ve already tapped out the tried and true channels, then you’re going to have to get a bit creative.

I shared some more creative ideas in the Udemy course that accompanies this book. Basically, you gotta try things out that other people aren’t willing to do.

That could mean hosting an event, doing Facebook lives, or attending conventions related to your industry. You gotta think outside the box and I share a few ways to do that in the YouTube video.

2. Re-examine your target audience

All too often, when one of my students launches a campaign on Kickstarter, they quickly realize that the people who they intended to be consumers of their product are actually a bit different than the people that are buying.

They might discover this entirely new category of people who love the product and pledge at an unexpected reward tier. This is the power of Kickstarter. It lets you get direct feedback from customers.

Now, if this happens, it’s time to re-examine your target market. You’ve already identified who might benefit from your product, now, it’s time to broaden that gaze.

Who else might suffer from this problem? Who else could enjoy this product?

By re-examining your target market, you’ll be able to generate some added marketing ideas and find pockets of backers where you didn’t expect.

3. Go back to the basics

This is a great way to begin to generate some creative fundraising ideas. Rather than thinking about how you can promote your new product, turn your gaze to the people who suffer from the problem that your product promises to solve.

Where do these people congregate online? What types of publications do they follow? How do they find out about new products?

Unfortunately, when things aren’t working, you have to go back to the drawing board. You gotta go back to the basics and see whether or not your initial assumptions were correct or incorrect.

I share a few creative ideas in this video, but at the end of the day, it really depends on the category that you’re launching into. Every category on Kickstarter or Indiegogo is different!

4. Invest in help and assistance

If you can’t figure out how to get the word out for your specific project, then an expert in the industry might be able to help you.

Here’s a list of some of the marketing companies in the industry. You can always reach out to one of them to learn more about their services.

In addition, if you want me to personally look at your campaign and come up with some ways that we can revitalize it or give it a jumpstart, you can book me for a coaching call.

I’ve seen many different types of strategies over the years and would be happy to share some creatives ones that work with you. We’ll rack our brains and come up with some good ones to apply to your project.

I hope you enjoyed this YouTube video that I’ve put together for you. I wish you luck with your campaign. Remember that persistence is the most important thing in business, crowdfunding, and life.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips