
Disability Crowdfunding Tips: GoFundMe, Personal Fundraisers

Do you want to use crowdfunding to raise money for a disability?

You can use a website like GoFundMe to raise money for medical bills, memorial funds, and costs related to your disability.

There are also a bunch of other sites that let you run a personal fundraising campaign.

With today’s YouTube video, I want to share with you a few tips that I have when it comes to raising money for a disability and how you can be more effective with your ask.

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In this video, I shared with you some of the advice that I have when it comes to raising money for a disability. Let’s touch on a few of those points…

1. Learn how crowdfunding works

Crowdfunding is different from other forms of fundraising. You have to learn how it works, how to use it, and how to tell your story effectively.

This new fundraising medium is more about the best practices than re-inventing the wheel. I shared many of those best practices, in my book, Crowdfunding Personal Expenses.

A lot of elements, like a fundraising duration, goal, and pitch video are built-in to a campaign. You can use these elements to create urgency, tell your story, and rally people around your cause.

If you do nothing else, I’d recommend at least watching a free vids on YouTube that walk you through how to do one of these fundraisers (like the one I shared today).

2. Understand why people give money

There are tons of reasons why people give money online. Many of these come down to the emotions they feel towards you and those they feel when they’re on your campaign page.

You gotta know the stats when it comes to giving on GoFundMe. The majority of campaigns are receiving funding from the friends and family of the person who’s doing the fundraiser.

Typically, those family and friends find out about the fundraiser through Facebook, direct message, email, word of mouth, or text message. This means that you’re going to have to milk your network if you want to rack in donations.

Some projects to see viral lift when it comes to sites like Reddit or as a result of getting shared a lot on Facebook. However, they are few and far in-between.

3. Tell your story effectively

As I covered in Crowdfunding Personal Expenses, your story is everything!

Your story is what gets people to care about what you’re doing.

Your story is what moves people emotionally and makes them want to help you out.

All too often, students will throw up a campaign on GoFundMe hoping for donations. They assume that people already know who they are and the hardships they’ve gone through. Then, they don’t get any donations.

If you want to raise money for your disability, you need to share how this disability has effected your life, what caused it to happen, and the story behind it. Don’t just plead and beg, but sincerely give people a picture of what your life is like.

This is used by countless nonprofits out there through TV commercials, advertisements, and mailers to get you to give money to their cause.

4. Choose the right crowdfunding platform

You have to go with the right crowdfunding platform for your disability. This can have a major impact on your success.

I have a great list on some of the top platforms out there for personal expenses. You can look through this list, get some insights into which is best for you, and select the best one.

Your platform is what’s going to determine the fees you have to pay, the functionality that you have access to with regards to the fundraiser, and how big the audience is on that particular website.

Don’t make the mistake of just launching on whichever site looks appealing. Take an hour to do some research and find out for yourself. Ask the hard questions. Discover some of the differences between the sites out there.

5. Educate yourself now

Spend some time educating yourself as to how to do one of these fundraising campaigns. Watch this YouTube video, if you haven’t already, on the dos and don’ts of raising money for a disability.

Grab a copy of Crowdfunding Personal Expenses. I worked hard to put all of the strategies together for you in one place!

This book is available on Audible and on Amazon. It’s the price of a burger at a restaurant. You can’t go wrong. I recommend Audible, because you can listen while you’re on the go!

Overall, I hope you enjoyed the video that I put together for you and that you take on action on it. Good luck with your fundraiser.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips