
EP #371 Crowdfunding Expert Shares WeFunder Tips | Vampr

Here’s the thing.

Equity crowdfunding is on a boom right now! So many people are getting thousands of dollars of funding to start their dream businesses.

And do you know what the best part is?

You can do it as well! All you need to do is believe in yourself, learn the launch formula, and take action.

It’s that easy!

In this episode of Crowdfunding Demystified, you’ll hear Salvador Briggman talk to Josh, who has been able to fund his project, Vampr, multiple times on WeFunder. The project is an app that helps musicians connect with creatives, including other musicians, producers, and choreographers, in order to form collaborations and level up their careers.

His current crowdfunding campaign has reached over $500,000! Sounds pretty amazing, right?

In the podcast, you’ll hear Josh talk about:

  • How he got into equity crowdfunding
  • What differentiated his campaigns from the crowd of average ones
  • Much more!

If you’re interested in reaching six-figure funding, then listening to this podcast is a must. You’ll get so much insight into what goes into a great WeFunder campaign!

So take out your pen and a piece of paper, and enjoy listening.

Resources and Tools Mentioned on the Show

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.