
EP #377 The Beginner’s Guide To A $160,607 Kickstarter Success

Have you ever dreamed of creating an ultra-successful Kickstarter campaign? If you have, let me ask you one thing: What is holding you back?

  • Are you waiting for the right moment?
  • Do you feel like you’re not qualified for success?

Whatever it is, know that these are just self-limiting beliefs, and you need to overcome them. If you don’t, you might regret not taking any action when you grow old.

So start taking action now! You might find out that your idea is a successful one. That happened to today’s guest.

In this episode of Crowdfunding Demystified, you’ll hear Salvador Briggman talk to Steven, who raised an astounding $160,607 for Hannibal: Artbook, which is based upon a television masterpiece, Hannibal.

While this was his team’s sixth artbook project, it was his first Kickstarter campaign. He didn’t even have a Kickstarter video, but the campaign still succeeded!

While you listen, you’ll hear Steven talk about:

  • How the campaign was able to get fully funded in 18 minutes
  • The #1 mistake to avoid when setting your funding goal
  • The difference between a successful and a failed Kickstarter

So, let me ask you again: what’s holding you back? You can do it! And with the invaluable knowledge in this podcast, you’ll have a higher chance of success.

Grab a pen and paper, and enjoy your listen.

Resources and Tools Mentioned on the Show

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.