
EP #474 Bold New Tips From A $376,284 Kickstarter Success | Klydoclock

Here’s a little insider tip:

Bringing a new product to the world is a bit like writing a song.

Initially, you write the song for yourself.

If it turns into something that you like, chances are that other people will do it too.

But the question is, who are these people?

So you need to nail down all types of audiences that might be interested in your product.

That’s pretty much what today’s guest did and guess what?

He did all the hard work, launched a campaign on Kickstarter, and raised $376,284 from 1,711 backers!

It all started around two years ago when he met up with a local entrepreneur who also happened to be an avid collector. 

They were discussing clocks, and that person had an idea.

They started to brainstorm around the idea, and in less than a month, our guest made the prototype at home. 

In this episode of the Crowdfunding Demystified podcast, Salvador Briggman speaks to the creator of Klydoclock, Ran Kramer, about the pre-launch strategy that led to this mega success!

Ran has an incredible story to share, from how he came up with the idea to the prototyping process to launch. 

For example, he shares what he learned about calculating the different price points and reward tiers, the mistakes he made along the way, and what methods he used to validate his product idea in the first place.

You’ll also learn that there’s always an element of trial and error when it comes to launching a campaign.

Hopefully, today’s episode will help you bridge some of that and get a few steps ahead of the game!

Make sure to take some notes and if you haven’t yet, go and check out some of the archives of the show. There are some real nuggets of gold there!

Resources and Tools Mentioned on the Show

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.