
EP #495 How a Pet Fountain Raised Over 160K on Indiegogo | LALAHOME

If I’m not mistaken, you’re the kind of person who has a revolutionary idea they want to unleash on the world.

So, if you are interested in discovering how to ethically impact people’s lives for the better, then you need this episode of the Crowdfunding Demystified podcast.

Because that’s what Alan Hui and Kris Chan did for animal lovers all over the world with their RealFountain DailyFresh Pet Fountain. This revolutionary fountain automatically refreshes your pet’s water daily and constantly replenishes it with UVC sterilized water from a 10L tank. Not only that, the old water can be used to grow cat grass in a specialized ecosystem tray!

And these 2X successful crowdfunders raised over $160K in funding on Indiegogo for their product from more than 550 backers.

Alan is the CEO and founder of LALAHOME, and Kris is the company’s marketing guru and website wiz. No stranger to the world of innovation, Alan worked for years as a product manager in the pet industry before he felt it was time to bring his own products to life. 

After a previous $350K campaign, these creators returned to the crowd to launch their new product, and today they will share their hard-earned wisdom with you!

But they didn’t do it alone. Alan surrounds himself with 25 of the brightest minds from design, software programming, engineering, and hardware development. And Kris brings her own specialty to the foreground by emphasizing the importance of newsletters, influencers, and social media as marketing channels. 

No matter what niche you are in, and whether you are looking at crowdfunding for today or in the future, join host Salvador Briggman and his guests to gain key information that will unlock your crowdfunding success. 

Resources and Tools Mentioned on the Show

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.