
Get Email Subscribers: Free Landing Page Builder and Email List Software

If you’ve read my book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula, you’ll know that your email list is a powerful part of your crowdfunding campaign.

The question then becomes… how do you actually build this email list?

Also, how do you do it without spending a ton of money on expensive software?

In this screen-share tutorial, you’ll see how this free landing page builder can get you up and running very quickly.

I’ll share with you a software tool that you can use to get email subscribers, manage your email campaigns, and build landing pages.

What did you think of the video?

A lot of people didn’t know about this free software.

That’s my goal – to bring you resources, tools, and advice that you might have never considered before. You can get that each week by subscribing to my YouTube channel.

On my channel, I share new videos each week taking you through the steps for launching a killer crowdfunding campaign. I also share podcast-style videos with you.

This way, you’ll be exposed to new strategies ALL the time. Just like building your email list…

Why do you need an email list?

Your email list is your home base. It’s the people who know, like, and trust you. Over time, you can warm them up to who you are, what you’ve created, and why they need it.

Tomorrow, the Facebook algorithm could change. The same goes for any social networking website out there. Some just fade into irrelevance.

When this happens (or your server crashes) you can still maintain a relationship with your followers through your email list. It’s that powerful!

If you don’t have an email list, then you don’t have the ability to drive traffic instantly to your campaign. Let me explain…

Traffic is all about focus and timing

Over time, a YouTube video can rack up thousands of views. The same goes for blog posts and almost any other content you put out there.

But let me ask you, what if you wanted to deliver thousands of views to a piece of content and you didn’t want months for it to happen. You wanted to do it in a matter of hours.

The only way you’re going to do that is through your email list. You need a list of people who will instantly check out something that you recommend or a product that you’ve created.

A strategy like this will create incredible focus. It’s what allows for massive launches and for people to have the “celebrity effect” for a certain amount of time.

Email also does something else…

You can get immediate feedback

Rather than having to wait weeks for comments to slowly trickle in from several different Facebook posts or Instagram photos, you can get it immediately.

People can respond to your emails and tell you what they think. They can answer questions that you have. They can tell you about their problems. Don’t underestimate the importance of feedback.

This direct line of communication is what allows you to improve your marketing and sales copy. It lets you hear directly from your customers and have them explain their problems in their own language.

You’ll also get feedback on the actual design and functionality of your product. Years ago, it would take thousands of dollars to get this kind of qualitative feedback through surveys. Now, you can do it for a fraction of the cost.

But, email software can be confusing

This is why I recommend watching today’s training video. You’ll discover a way to set up and build an email list for free. No costs attached. Just follow the training.

Not only is it free, but it’s also super easy to do. Even a chimp could do it!

As a beginner, the last thing that you want is expensive confusing software that’s going to be hard to set up and costly to manage. In time, as you expand your team, you can invest in the big-boys like Infusionsoft, but for now, it makes sense to go with something that’s just freakin’ simple.

I hope that you enjoy today’s training video and if you do, can you let me know by leaving a comment on the video?

You can also receive more free videos by subscribing to my YouTube channel and turning on post notifications. Even if you don’t watch every one, it can help keep you up to date with some of the best fundraising strategies out there.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips