
Get Feedback on Your Crowdfunding Campaign With Crowdinsight

This post is sponsored by The Gadget Flow.

Do you wanna get feedback on your Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign?

There are lots of building blocks that go into a successful crowdfunding campaign, like your video, campaign text, reward tiers, product photos, and more.

For a new or even established entrepreneur, this can make your head spin. What’s more, it’s even harder to gauge what real people think about your campaign page.

Your friends might like it, but can you really trust their opinion? Is is truly objective?

The only way to know whether or not you’re going to get pledges on Kickstarter and sell products is to ask potential consumers who have a completely unbiased opinion.

This type of feedback is extremely valuable as you’re gearing up to the launch of a crowdfunding campaign, because it can make the difference between runaway fundraising success and an embarrassing flop.

Today, I want to introduce you to a tool that you can use to get 100% honest feedback from a community of established buyers who regularly review projects and provide feedback.

Introducing… Crowdinsight

This is my best kept secret. It’s a little-known-about tool that you can use to “crowdsource” the feedback for your project. Instantly, you’ll get feedback on things like:

  • Landing page design
  • Pricing structure
  • Campaign page layout
  • Video pitch style
  • And more…

Rather than having to assemble and paste together vague feedback from your friends, family, and colleagues, you can get access to one clear report that you can use to see what elements you gotta improve on before you go live.

This allows you to make smarter decisions going forward. You’ll know if you need to spend more time on the video pitch, or if it’s already perfect, and you should spend more time fixing your reward tiers.

If this is your first Kickstarter or Indiegogo project, you probably feel A LOT of uncertainty and hesitation about launching… am I right?

Let’s be honest, you’ve never crowdfunded a project before, so you don’t know how the crowd will respond to certain elements of your pitch. Crowdfunding is different from every other form of marketing out there.

Instead of relying on guesswork, you can lean on the expertise and candid feedback of repeat buyers that will tell you exactly what is and isn’t working (just remember – they might not pull their punches).

Why does tailored feedback matter?

As entrepreneurs, you and I are used to IGNORING the negative feedback of friends, family, and the people around us who say… that dream you’ve been craving isn’t possible. You’ll never build your own business.

One of the difficulties of running your own business is knowing when to tune out feedback and when to listen up and pay attention.

I make this mistake more than anyone else out there.

But – what I’ve learned is that it’s ALWAYS important to listen to the feedback of your existing or potential customers (along with observing their behavior).

When you do that, you have the rare opportunity to:

  • Boost your campaign’s conversion rate
  • Improve your marketing “promise”
  • Better tailor your page’s copywriting
  • Increase the amount that people pledge to your project
  • Address potential concerns and red-flags (before you go live)

It’s the most intelligent decision you can make leading up to your launch. You’re basically asking a group of people “will or will you not buy my product?”

The answer to this question is directly tied to the amount of sales you can generate.

How does it work?

It’s pretty freakin’ simple. All you gotta do is go to Crowdinsight here, create a profile (takes 1 minute) and then submit your project to be reviewed. It works whether you’re live or in the pre-launch phase.

On the backend, The Gadget Flow will work to pair you up with their best candidates to review the product. They’ll ensure that your project gets quality attention within their lineup.

Then, the reviews will be delivered within 48 hours. 

Just imagine getting instant feedback on your campaign. I’m talking about gaining access to real information that you can use going forward to enhance your project and make it more “fundable.”

What would it be worth to you to know without a shadow of a doubt that when you go live, you gave this campaign it’s best shot to be successful.

You made all of the necessary adjustments and cleared away the red-flags that scream crowdfunding death.

When all is said and done, I think that the small fee for this service is extremely reasonable. Instead of getting feedback from one consultant or coach, you’re crowdsourcing a few different reviews from potential buyers.

Don’t make this major mistake

According to Evan Varsamis, founder and CEO of Gadget Flow, “nearly two-thirds of crowdfunding campaigns fail and the primary reason is lack of preparation when it comes to marketing;

the second reason is lack of real feedback. Crowdinsight solves this problem by providing thoughtful, honest feedback on your marketing approach before you launch your project or even while it’s live.”

I agree with Evan, and it’s one of the core reasons that I’m so committed to putting out quality education in the crowdfunding field. That includes blog posts, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more.

When all is said and done, preparation is the mother of success. The same goes for getting product validation. Without validation from real people, you are flying blind.

I look forward to seeing more entrepreneurs make use of this service. I wanted to write this article to get this resource out to more of y’all. Hope you enjoyed it – and if you did – shoot me an email.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips