
How to Get Featured on Indiegogo

Getting featured on Indiegogo can help to drive greater traffic and exposure to your crowdfunding campaign, increasing the momentum of your passion project. 

The gogofactor is an algorithm that helps campaigns to achieve greater visibility on the platform, allowing your product to stand out to audiences that find it interesting. 

This algorithm is influenced by several factors: including the scope of a campaign’s social engagement and global reach. 

And the good news is, it can be ‘hacked.’

In this post I want to give you some tips as to how you can go about getting featured on Indiegogo, so that your campaign can be as successful as possible. 

Are you ready to get your project featured? Let’s get into it.  

Get Funded Fast 

One of the best ways to ensure that your product gets featured on Indiegogo is to reach your funding goal as fast as possible. 

The best way to do this is through promotion. While it would be nice to simply put up your campaign and expect people to jump on board, this isn’t a realistic strategy. 

There are many ways to promote your campaign, with the most tried and true methods being: 

  • Advertising your campaign on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google 
  • Conducting PR outreach to bloggers and media sites 
  • Promoting to communities in Reddit, LinkedIn, and other forums 
  • Social media and inbound marketing
  • Paid services and marketing/consulting firms 

Implementing these strategies is vital to driving traffic to your campaign, and reaching a target audience that is most likely to back your product. 

The faster you get funding, the quicker the Indiegogo algorithm is going to recognize that people are excited about your campaign. 

I have a great video as to how you can create an amazing Indiegogo pre-launch page that will have you prepared to get funding quickly by the time you launch. 

Complacency is your worst enemy when it comes to getting featured on Indiegogo. Get funding fast, and your chances of ranking well in the gogofactor will skyrocket.

Go Above your Goal 

One of the most common mistakes I see with entrepreneurs is once they reach their goal, they are content to stop pushing for momentum. 

While reaching your crowdfunding goal is undoubtedly a huge milestone that you should be proud of, there is no reason to take your foot off the gas. 

That’s why I recommend setting the lowest goal possible for your crowdfunding campaign. 

You’ll need to create a detailed budget that includes: 

  • Product costs 
  • Reward fulfillment 
  • Taxes 
  • Indiegogo platform fees 
  • Marketing costs 

Once you’ve set a number, there is no need to set a higher goal—even if you are confident that you can reach it. 

Again, we’re working the Indiegogo algorithm. As your campaign catapults further and further past your original crowdfunding goal, the platform is going to recognize that backers are excited about your product. 

As excitement and energy continues to build around your project, Indiegogo will take editorial discretion on where your campaign will be featured.

Indiegogo has a ton of great channels to feature your work. Some of the most prominent methods are:

  • Homepage 
  • Explore Page 
  • Category Pages 
  • Blog 
  • Collections
  • Newsletter 
  • Indiegogo Facebook 
  • Indiegogo Twitter

Once your campaign finds itself on these various promotional platforms, your numbers will continue to increase. 

So set your goal as low as possible, and watch as your donation tracker ticks upwards to blow past your originally set mark! 

Velocity of Pledges 

The velocity at which pledges roll into your campaign will also have a huge bearing on ranking well on Indiegogo. 

There are a ton of ways to make sure that this velocity stays high, all of which require attentiveness and high rates of activity

You need to be optimizing campaign management on both the front and the back end. This means: 

  1. Using a custom URL 
  2. Updating your campaign at least every 5 days 
  3. Perform an action such as social media sharing, replying to comments, or adding new photos every day 

Keep in mind that you are going to want to have your own social network, friends, and family contribute at least 20-30% of your fundraising goal within the first week

Additionally, you are going to want your most loyal backers to interact with the campaign to build a sense of community around your project. 

Discussion is at the heart of every buzz-worthy product. Comments and other forms of interaction can serve as testimonials, and increase the likelihood that strangers will hop on board. 

As the velocity of your pledges increases exponentially, so will your ranking on the Indiegogo algorithm. So stay in touch, and make your backers feel noticed! 

Conversion Rate of Campaign 

Turning visitors into contributors is key to actually raising money for your campaign. 

While it’s always great to get eyes on your project, what’s most important is provoking those eyes to reach into their wallets and actually back your idea. 

The best way to do this is to create a sense of urgency surrounding your campaign. 

Indiegogo recommends doing this through limited edition perks. Their data shows that campaigns offering these perks raise 143% more on average than those that don’t. 

When people visiting your page feel like they could miss out on a deal if they don’t donate right away, they’re more likely to back your campaign. 

Using a countdown clock and other tools can help incentivize people to act quickly. The greater the perks, the more backers you are going to have. 

Don’t give potential backers the chance to click away! 

Reach out to the Indiegogo Team 

One of the great features of Indiegogo compared to other prominent crowdfunding platforms is their help team

Indiegogo is especially responsive and attentive to their creators. I’ve worked with them quite a bit, and I can attest that they truly want your campaign to succeed.  

Their help team can help with all sorts of things, like:

  • Learning best practices
  • Legal assistance 
  • Creating and planning your campaign 
  • Managing orders 
  • Connecting you to experts 

After chatting with the Indiegogo team, there is a good chance that you will discover expert assistance can go a long way. 

I’ve worked on a ton of successful Indiegogo campaigns, and I’d be happy to help you out as well. If you’re interested, I’d love to invite you to a free coaching call where we can discuss how to bring your campaign to the next level, and get you trending on Indiegogo. 


Getting featured on Indiegogo is an important way to further promote your campaign. 

For the best chances of making this happen, make sure to follow the following steps:

  • Get funded fast 
  • Exceed your goal as much as possible 
  • Maintain a high velocity of pledges 
  • Increase conversion rate of donors 
  • Use experts in the industry 

I have a ton of other great content on my Youtube Channel and blog where you can explore all the best crowdfunding practices—so make sure to check that out and feel confident in your research. 

Have an Indiegogo campaign that you’re excited about? Feel free to leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you!

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips