
How to Get Funding for a Nonprofit Organization

Do you wanna get funding for your nonprofit?

What about for a charity or an annual fundraiser?

Today, I’m going to speak plainly and get to the root of how to get funding for your nonprofit org. This is the real deal. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it!

Many in the nonprofit industry recognize that the technology and mindset is outdated when it comes to fundraising. With this vid, I bring my for-profit mindset to the non-profit world.

You’re about to see how to get funding for a new org, cause, or a project. Let’s talk about it…

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Now, you might know how to get funding, but you might also have a few questions on your mind. I’ll try to address a few of them below. This way, you’ll feel more prepared going into your next charity fundraiser.

Sound good? Let’s get crackin’.

I’ve put together a new GUIDE that’s packed with science-backed nonprofit fundraising methods, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more donations and you want to fast-track the entire process. 

You Must Bring People Value!

There is no such thing as something for nothing in this world. Even the people who give you money are expecting something in return.

That might not be anything tangible necessarily, but they probably DO want to feel good emotions NOW and in the future. They want to feel like they are a good person, that their money is appreciate, and that they made a good decision.

In addition, if they are going to keep giving you money, then they want to know that their funds are having an actual impact on the problem. This is what gives them that rewarding feeling of helping the world with its greater problems.

Make sense?

You must allow donors to feel these good emotions with your messaging, communications, and how you treat them. For example, if you don’t thank them for donating, then you won’t let them feel appreciated. If you don’t share progress and statistics with them, then you won’t let them feel like they are making an impact. 

Donors want value in the form of GOOD emotions and it’s your job to deliver them.

Your Actions Should Have a Tangible Result

A nonprofit organization should only exist if its actions are having a tangible result on the demographic that it’s seeking to serve. If it’s not having an impact, it shouldn’t exist. It’s just wasting money.

By measuring your impact on your target demographic, you’ll accomplish a few things:

  • Make it easier to communicate progress with board members
  • Make it easier to attract new donors
  • Demonstrate clearly your org has societal value

In an ideal world, there should be no nonprofit organizations. Everything should work smoothly in society. However, the world is not ideal. Nonprofits are there to right the wrongs, help improve equality, and plug the holes where the system is failing.

When the nonprofit itself is failing to have a tangible impact on its target demographic, then it’s simply a waste of space and donor dollars.

Not only does measuring your impact help keep you accountable, but it also highlights key ways that you can improve your efforts and things that you need to change up with your organization.

Funding is a Byproduct of Empathy

At the end of the day, people will only give you funding and donate to your organization when they FEEL something towards your demographic (or towards your mission).

They must place themselves in the shoes of the people you’re working to serve, feel something for them, empathize with them, and then decide to financially help them.

You’re never going to give money to help someone that you:

  • Don’t identify with in any way
  • Don’t care about or feel sorry for
  • Aren’t emotionally moved by

On the flip side, if a family member asks you for money, you are far more likely to give them money. Why is that?

It’s because you care about them and view them as in your “same tribe.” They are directly connected to your life. You know who they are and would feel like a bad person if you didn’t help them out. You almost feel obligated.

As a nonprofit running a fundraiser, you can trigger many of the SAME emotions in your donor base, whether that’s identifying with your target demo, or feeling obligated to help them out. The easiest way to do this is through storytelling.

Nonprofit Fundraising Silver Bullet

If you want a sliver bullet for raising money for your nonprofit, then the closest thing that you’re going to come to it is Nonprofit Crowdfunding Explained. I revealed SO MANY of the proven techniques for getting funding from the crowd. 

It’s a loooooot of golden nuggets that will dramatically boost the amount of funding you’re able to rake in from your donor base (particularly when it comes to crowdfunding).

I’ve had many successful nonprofits say very nice things about the book, and there also an Audible book if you’re more of a listener. In fact, you can get the book for FREE with a 30 day trial of Audible.

I’ve put together a new GUIDE that’s packed with science-backed nonprofit fundraising methods, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more donations and you want to fast-track the entire process. 

Hope you liked the YouTube video and that you enjoy the guide I’ve put together for you :).

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips