
How to Market a Crowdfunding Campaign

Wondering how to get the word out and market your crowdfunding campaign?

In this video, I’m going to share with you how to get attention, traffic, and pledges to your campaign on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

We’ll explore the three major groups that contribute to the funding of your campaign, what gets them to give, and how to appeal to them.

Keep in mind, this is just an overview and we are BARELY scratching the surface.

Take a sec to watch the video below – you’re gonna get a ton out of it!

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I got a ton of great vids coming out in the next few weeks. The tips I’ll share will dramatically enhance your project.

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What does marketing do?

Promote. Market. Blast your link.

That’s what you hear from gurus online. But, what does marketing actually do?

Well, I discuss some of the ways to go about marketing your campaign in my video.

All of these are designed to do one thing… turn strangers into friends.

You want people who care about your product, are excited to learn more, and also trust you enough to buy it from you.

However, there’s more to it. You also have to find and convince the right people. Otherwise, you might get lots of traffic, but no one backs your project.

Put simply, marketing:

  1. Identifies people who suffer from the problem your product solves
  2. Hooks those people and puts them through a marketing cycle
  3. Builds the sale through images, video, copy. Arouses emotions. Gets them thinking
  4. Closes on the sale (without you having to talk to them)

These are all micro steps that comprise a good marketing strategy. You’re effectively generating leads, warming them up, and then closing the sale.

I cover each of these steps in my book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula. You can discover more crowdfunding tricks here.

Where should you begin?

If you’re in the pre-launch phase of your project, this is the perfect opportunity to start to get educated by reading blogs, listening to podcasts, and hiring coaches like me.

I’d study how to put together a really good Kickstarter page before you focus on going out there and generating traffic.

Once you do that, it’s time to start the process of creating a splash!

You’re going to want to attack this from a few angles, including:

These are a lot of areas to take action. The most important thing is that you simply get started. Don’t wait.

You’ll quickly find that some mediums work better than others for your type of product. Maybe you’ll prefer Instagram over Twitter.

What If You Need Help?

If you need help with your marketing, there are many agencies and service providers in this industry that can.

However, it can get really confusing really fast.

To help minimize mistakes, I’d strongly recommend getting in touch for my opinion on these service providers. I’ll make sure you lock down a good one for your project.

You can also visit places like KickstarterForum and ask around as to what others experienced. Don’t be shy.

I hope that you enjoyed the video and that you take a sec to give me a thumbs up on YouTube!

You can also leave a comment if you have a question and I’ll address it in a future video.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips