
How to Sell Your Product on Kickstarter

Selling your product on Kickstarter is exciting and life-changing if done right. Kickstarter has empowered thousands of creators to bring their ideas to life. With the support of backers worldwide, it turns dreams into reality.

Yet, a success story on Kickstarter requires more than just launching and hoping it goes well. It demands careful planning, strategic execution, and effective marketing.

Many of my readers and students wonder, “Can you actually sell stuff on Kickstarter?”

Well, to answer your question, it’s a big YES. Kickstarter is a platform designed to help creators sell products by securing funding and building a community of backers.

It gives opportunities to artists, designers, and innovators to showcase their projects and attract backers. These backers are effectively pre-ordering the products that they support. They get to pick from unique perks & rewards.

In order to sell your product on Kickstarter, you need to meet the website”s requirements, follow crowdfunding best practices, and ultimately fulfill your rewards.

Over the last 10 years, I have worked with creators just like you to get projects launched and sell their products online. I’ve coached thousands of students worldwide, and been cited by major media publications for my work like CNN, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and more.

I’ve also written the book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula, which reveals the step-by-step process for getting funded on Kickstarter.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the important steps you need to follow to sell your product on Kickstarter. By the end, you’ll clearly understand what you need to do to sell any product on Kickstarter.

So, wanna get money from Kickstarter? 

Chances are, if you’re still reading, you want to sell your product on Kickstarter and get money from the crowdfunding website to fuel your business. Before we talk strategy going into an upcoming launch, the first step is to start a Kickstarter campaign

Follow the steps below to start your campaign right now. 

1. Click the button “Start a project.”

2. You need to select a primary category and subcategory for your new project. Make sure to choose the ones that are most relevant to your product.

3. Select another category that is secondarily related to your product. This increases the chance of your product being discovered in different searches.

4. Then, set a location for your project for you to reach your intended backers.

5. Then sign up to continue and click the button “Create an account.”

After the steps shown above, you’ll need to fill out the nitty gritty details of your campaign, including items like setting a funding goal, funding duration, specifying your rewards, and other information in the Kickstarter dashboard

When you get everything together, and go “live” with your campaign, backers can then pledge money to support your project. If your campaign meets or exceeds its funding goal by the end of the campaign period, Kickstarter processes the payments from the backers and transfers the funds to you (minus their fees).

At CrowdCrux, we study proven campaigns to reveal crowdfunding tactics & strategies on the Crowdfunding Demystified podcast

On this show, I interview new guests every week who share what’s happening behind the scenes with their six and seven-figure campaigns. 

To give you a more concrete idea, let’s take a quick look at campaigns that successfully raised money on Kickstarter.

1. Fluyo: A language learning game like no other is a campaign that successfully raised money on Kickstarter. It garnered 8,083 backers who pledged $1,226,667. I provided the link to the campaign so you can check their visuals, descriptions, and testimonials. The insights you can deduce can help you decide which elements of their campaign will be strategic to your plans.

2. Another successful project on Kickstarter is the Oath New Foundations. As you can see, the creator’s goal is $50,000. And, he exceeded his goal and amassed $687,012. You can click the link I provided so you can inspect the assets they used, such as their videos, graphics, and rewards.

Want success like the campaigns above?

To help you reach the same success or even beyond, I’ve put together a new FREE course packed with Kickstarter tips, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more backers and fast-track the entire process.

Now, if you’re ready for the step-by-step process of selling your product on Kickstarter, read on!

Sell More of Your Product With These Steps

Now that you know how to create a project from scratch, a simple strategy to study crowdfunding best practices, and a free course that can help you get started, let’s go through some additional detailed steps to make the most of this experience.

Here are the steps you shouldn’t miss when selling your product on Kickstarter:

1. Create a compelling Kickstarter campaign.

Before launching your campaign, you must create a compelling story around your product.

What makes your product stand out? Highlight the features that make it stand out in the competition.

  • Create a captivating video.

A high-quality video can significantly impact your campaign’s success. Use it to showcase your product, explain its benefits, and connect with potential backers on a personal level.

  • Write a compelling project description.

Make your product description concise and appealing. Clearly explain your product, how it works, and why people should back it.

Your funding goal should be realistic and based on thorough research of your production and marketing costs.  As I mentioned, Kickstarter is all-or-nothing, so you won’t receive any funds if you don’t reach your goals.

  • Create a detailed budget.

Break down your funding goal into specific expenses, such as manufacturing, marketing, and shipping. This shows potential backers that you’ve thought through your budget and have a clear plan.

a. Prepare your reward packages.

  • Offer a range of rewards.

Design rewards that cater to different levels of support. Offer basic rewards for smaller contributions and more exclusive, high-value rewards for larger pledges. This will encourage backers to contribute at various levels.

  • Create exclusive early-bird rewards.

Create limited-time early-bird rewards to incentivize quick action from your community. These often include discounts or special bonuses for those who pledge early in the campaign.

  • Personalize rewards.

Offer unique rewards that can’t be found elsewhere, such as personalized items, custom experiences, or limited-edition versions of your product. This will add value and exclusivity to your campaign.

When they back your project, do Kickstarter backers receive money?

Kickstarter backers do not make money from supporting projects. Backers pledge money to projects because they believe in the project and want to make it a reality.

In exchange for their pledge, they receive rewards based on the level of their contribution. These rewards can vary. Creators can give a simple thank-you note or a special edition of the product being funded.

To give you an idea of the rewards I discussed above, pictured below is a successful Kickstarter campaign: How to Think When You Draw Book 4 + Reprinting Sold-Out Books.

As shown, it has 8,564 backers. One attribute that makes this campaign successful is its reward system.

For instance, those who pledge £26 will receive Drawing Tutorials Book 4, whereas those who pledge £47 will receive Drawing Tutorials Book 4+ Stranski.

If you notice, as the amount given by the backer increases, the reward also increases. As depicted above, if backers pledge £229, they’ll get every reward that the campaign offers. 

2. Build a community of prospective backers.

Here’s how you can effectively create and engage a community of backers:

b. Create a distribution list.

  • Identify your target audience.

Who would be most interested in your product? You should analyze the interests and behaviors of your target consumers. 

  • Collect email addresses.

Start gathering email addresses early. Use sign-up forms, social media, and event opportunities. In exchange for their email, offer incentives such as exclusive updates or early access to your campaign.

  • Nurture your list. Send regular, valuable content to your subscribers. Share updates about your product development, behind-the-scenes stories, and exclusive previews. Keep your audience informed and engaged to build anticipation and trust.

c. Bolster your social media presence.

  • Choose the right platforms.

Find out where your target audience is most active. Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn are popular choices, but niche platforms might also be relevant. Then, post engaging content!

  • Engage with your audience.

Respond to comments, messages, and mentions. Show appreciation for your followers’ support and create a sense of community. To build a stronger connection, you can host live Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything) and share them on Kickstarter Forum

Partner with influencers in your niche. Their endorsement can expand your reach and testify to the credibility of your campaign.

Who are Kickstarter superbackers?

Now that you get to know backers more, I wanna ask you if you have heard about Kickstarter superbackers. 

Kickstarter superbackers are dedicated backers who have supported “more than 25 Kickstarter projects with pledges of at least $10 in the past year.” 

Due to their experience and enthusiasm for crowdfunding campaigns, these backers are particularly valuable to fundraisers. 

They are often early adopters, providing crucial initial support and helping to build momentum for projects. 

Moreover, superbackers also tend to engage with creators by offering feedback and sharing projects within their networks. They amplify your project’s visibility and potentially attract more backers. 

They are even recognized by special badges on their profiles. They are influential members of the Kickstarter community, and their support can significantly impact a project’s success. 

The following is a Kickstarter campaign with superbackers supporting and commenting on it:

Bird Buddy: A Smart Feeder

Through the presence of superbackers, other backers will be more attracted to back your product. Make sure to respond to them as they make your community more trustworthy and reliable.

3. Secure early support from the Kickstarter community.

  • Promote your campaign early-on

By promoting your campaign early, you’ll ensure that backers take action fast and help you trend in the Kickstarter algorithm

  • Create a Kickstarter pre-launch page.
    When you submit your campaign for approval, you can create a Kickstarter pre-launch page where your prospective backers can indicate they’d like to be notified when you go live. 
  • Leverage automated discovery.

Kickstarter has built-in discovery features that promote popular projects. A strong start can help you get featured in these sections, driving more traffic to your campaign.

How do you get people to see your Kickstarter?

To get people to see your Kickstarter campaign, you need to promote it effectively. Here are some key strategies:

  • Send regular updates to your email list.

Send potential backers regular updates about your campaign. To encourage them to pledge, offer exclusive content or early access. Below is a sample of a Kickstarter project with its creator giving an update on the product:

Music for Cats

This update sustains the interest of the Kickstarter community and makes your product more appealing, meaningful, and relatable.

Be active on the Kickstarter platform, comment on other projects, and engage with the community. This can boost your campaign’s visibility and attract early support.

Overall, if you wanna ensure you’re creating the most valuable updates and you’ll earn support from the Kickstarter community, I’m offering you my FREE course containing Kickstarter tips, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should read it if you want to get more backers and want to catalyze your progress. 

4. Execute a Marketing Strategy.

Marketing your Kickstarter campaign involves several key strategies to maximize visibility and attract backers. Here’s how you can effectively market your campaign:

  • Leverage social media: Promote your campaign using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. Share engaging content, such as behind-the-scenes videos, product demos, and user testimonials.
  • Consider digital advertising: Use social media ads, Google ads, or influencer collaborations. Target your ads based on demographics and audience’s online behavior.
  • Track and optimize: Track your ads’ performance. Optimize them through your data for better results. Continuously adjust your ads to improve the campaign’s metrics.

You can also get attention, traffic, and credibility from PR outreach

Identify the top ten target publications and make tailored pitches to specific journalists. A well-crafted press release and personalized approach can help you secure media coverage.

  • Develop a press assets folder.

Prepare a folder with high-quality images, product demos, and key information about your campaign. This makes it easy for journalists to write about your project.

  • Offer product demos.

Use product demos to showcase your product’s features and benefits. Videos and live demonstrations are more effective than text alone.

How do you go viral on Kickstarter?

Going viral on Kickstarter involves the following:

  • Compelling story:  Tell a story that connects with people emotionally. Tell why your project matters and how it will impact people or the world with compelling video.
  • Community engagement: Engage with your community through regular updates, responding to comments, and creating a sense of involvement.
  • Social media and press coverage: Use social media to announce your campaign and interact with potential backers. Reach out to press outlets to get coverage for your project, which can help it gain traction and reach a larger audience. 

Let’s take a look at an example: Learn Design for 3D Printing – Fusion 360 + ZBrush is a Kickstarter campaign that went viral at the time of writing. It has garnered 452 backers and raised $106,492 (with $3,000 as its original goal).

You can check the campaign and utilize and enhance every strategy that’s useful to your product, be it the choice of words, colors, descriptions, and more.

 5. Engage with your audience.

During your campaign, keep your backers engaged and informed. Here are some tips to engage your audience:

  • Regular updates: Keep your backers updated on progress, milestones, or challenges. This transparency lets you build trust. Thank your backers. 
  • Respond to comments and messages: Be active in addressing your backers’ comments and messages. This demonstrates that you value their input and are committed to delivering a great product.
  • Offer exclusive content: Give exclusive content, such as sneak peeks, to sustain the backers’ excitement throughout the campaign.
  • Host live events: Schedule live events to interact with your backers in real-time. This lets you answer questions, address concerns, and build a stronger connection with your audience.

The following is another successful Kickstarter campaign, the 4D Pack Plus. In the comments section, you’ll see that the creator is responding to queries about their product.

When the creator responds to questions or comments, it creates a rapport and builds credibility and accountability. Thus, this increases the likelihood of convincing potential backers to finally be your official backers.

Key Takeaways

Selling your product on Kickstarter requires many preparations, community engagements, and strategic decision-making. 

By following the steps above, you can achieve a successful campaign that secures funding and creates a loyal customer base for your product.

Moreover, my FREE course packed with Kickstarter tips, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods is a great addition to your Kickstarter kit. It will enable you to get more backers and successfully execute the whole process. 

No matter what stage you are in now, CrowdCrux has many resources to help you with your current crowdfunding needs.

I hope that you have at least the whole picture when it comes to selling your product on Kickstarter. Feel free to shoot me an email if you think you need a crowdfunding expert to guide you in the intricate details.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way.