
How To Set Up a Pre Order Store in 15 Minutes (Post-Kickstarter)

Do you want to set up or create a pre-order store? 

This way, your customers and backers can pre order your products and you can continue to collect orders after Kickstarter or Indiegogo. 

In today’s post, I’ll show you how to do this! 

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In order to create your pre order store, we are going to be using a tool called BackerKit. So let’s get started! 

How it Works

Once you’ve created your BackerKit account, you will login and be brought to the dashboard. On this dashboard, you are going to discover a ton of great functionality. We’re going to focus on creating a pre-order store. 

You should start by uploading a brand image that you want to represent your store. You can also pick a brand color and upload your logo straight from your computer. 

Additionally, you can edit store layout, the title of your store, and add a store description. I recommend using bullet points to demonstrate key features of your product, as this will show interested buyers potential benefits. After you’ve got these foundational aspects of your store set, you can add a featured item and expected shipping date. 

Another great feature is that you can display your crowdfunding statistics on the webpage. If you ran a successful campaign, showing off your stats from your Indiegogo or Kickstarter campaign can be a great way to demonstrate your product’s legitimacy. 

If you continue scrolling down the page, you will find a tool that allows for promotional banner, which is great if you are running a special that runs for a limited time. This tool includes a countdown timer as well, which is vital in creating a sense of urgency in the customer’s psyche. 

Finally, BackerKit will provide a link to Spotlight, where customers can pre order your product with ease. 

Add Items to Your Store Catalogue

Now, I want to get into how to add items to your online pre order store’s catalogue. 

Navigate to the ‘Item List’ tab located in the pre order store window. Here you can select an existing add-on that you have already listed, duplicate existing add-ons at a special price, and create a new item that is pre order only. 

Creating a new item is made very easy with BackerKit. Simply add the item’s name, description, an image, and price (both retail and offering). I would recommend setting your offer price lower than the retail price to give customers the feeling that they are getting a great deal upon ordering from your pre order store. 

You can also set limited quantities, place your products in specific categories, and collect shipping information to actually send out your items. 

At this point, you will have a beautiful online pre order store with great functionality without the hassle that comes with other platforms like Shopify, all while directly tying to your campaign page. 

I want to also take you through some of the more advanced features that BackerKit provides, should you choose to utilize them. 

Advanced Features of BackerKit

For example, if you wanted to move the site from BackerKit to your own personal website, you can simply copy the ‘widget’ feature to have the store appear on your own platform. 

You can also use a second widget to link to an individual pre order item which will allow people to easily acquire that specific product. 

These widgets are designed to reduce stress around being confined simply to BackerKit. With BackerKit, you don’t have to worry about giving full control of branding and customer data over to a third party platform. 

As if all this wasn’t enough, you can upload the CSV file of your mailing list, customize analytics for both Google and Facebook Pixels, create add-on questions to drive customers to other products, and add different shipping rates based on location. 

I highly recommend BackerKit for entrepreneurs that are looking for an intuitive, easy way to build an online pre order store. With a wide array of functionality that is extremely simple to operate, your store can be online in just fifteen minutes or less. 

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There are tons of tools out there that you can use to boost your funding, raise more money from the crowd, and transition into owning your own ecommerce store. I’ll introduce you to them all, as well as some key players in this industry that you should know about.

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips