It’s no secret that the lifeblood of any Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign is an outstanding pitch video that works to tell the story of your product.
The video element is the first thing potential backers will encounter when they visit your campaign page, so it’s important that you get this primary marketing material right.
And that all starts with a killer script.
In this article, we’re giving you all the best insider tips as to how to write a crowdfunding video script that leads to conversions, straight from a copywriter who has constructed scripts for many successful campaigns.
It’s time to embrace your inner screenwriter.
Let’s get started!
Identify Your Brand Personality
When it comes to writing your crowdfunding video script, you want to keep your branding messaging consistent.
The video sets the tone for what’s to come on your Kickstarter or Indiegogo page, so you want to use it as an opportunity to introduce your unique brand personality.
Ask yourself a couple of questions to get this process started:
- How do I want people to feel after watching this video? (e.g. playful, concerned, excited, awestruck)
- If your product could talk, what would it say? Something funny? Something smart? Something surprising?
Once you’ve got an idea of the message that you’re trying to deliver, you can start brainstorming topic ideas.
Come Up With Several Ideas
You want options to choose from before setting out to actually write your video script.
That means taking what you learned from identifying your brand personality and coming up scenarios, circumstances, and characters that convey the story behind your project.
Give yourself permission to get creative with the ideation process — you can always discard an idea if you don’t like it. But by thinking outside of the box, you’ll create a steady stream of potential options that contribute to the eventual cohesive story that you’re looking for.
Study Other Campaigns in Your Niche
It’s always a good idea to study other successful campaigns in your niche, and can be especially helpful in the brainstorming process.
By identifying what techniques / stories those who have come before you have used, you can garner a better understanding of what types of stories sell on the platform.
Watch as many as you can and take notes as to what you like. Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer:
- What in these videos compels you and provokes an emotional response?
- What is falling flat?
- How long are their videos? Is your attention maintained throughout the duration of the video? (We recommend your video to land somewhere between 2.5 – 4 minutes)
You’ll likely discover that the best videos find a way to balance narrative and product features, using written on-screen text or voiceover in addition to a larger story.
Start Writing Your Video Script
Now that you’ve:
- Identified your brand personality
- Brainstormed ideas for your video
- Studied other campaigns in your niche
It’s time to pick an idea and run with it!
You’ve got your concept nailed down, and it’s time to commit to it. Don’t let this scare you. You have done your research, put real thought into the story you’re trying to tell, and you know your product.
You’re ready for this!
Your script should adhere to this general structure:
- The Beginning: Grab your viewers attention and present a problem
- The Middle: Facilitate a connection between the problem and your product
- The End: Present a solution and demonstrate why that solution is unique
We also suggest that you make a list of high-level product features that you want to be sure to include in your pitch.
Remember: people buy with emotion (storytelling), and justify the purchase with logical information (product features).
Make sure you include both of these!
An easy way to organize your script for clear messaging and collaboration is through the creation of a table.
Here’s a basic example of what this could look like:

By setting up your script in this format, you can be sure that you’re:
- Telling a cohesive story
- Staying on-time
- Identifying focal points
- Organizing the separate elements of your video
After You’ve Written Your Script
Now that your crowdfunding pitch video script is written and ready to go, it’s time to get someone to shoot the video.
You can do this yourself, if you have the capabilities, but more likely than not you’ll have to hire an agency to ensure a beautiful, professional execution of the script.
Keep in mind that the script is subject to change — and that’s okay.
For example, just because you outlined the video to last exactly 2 minutes and 45 seconds doesn’t mean it’s going to result that way. Embrace changes and be flexible — just don’t sacrifice the product message and emotional response you are trying to evoke.
Key Takeaways
We hope that this article has been helpful for you as you set out to write your crowdfunding pitch video script for your upcoming Kickstarter or Indiegogo project.
Have fun with it! And remember to do these things:
- Provoke an emotional response from the buyer
- Justify that emotional response with logical information
- Present a problem then give a solution
If you do these things, you’ll have success.
Looking for more personalized instruction of the crowdfunding video script writing process?
Book a coaching call with me. I’ve worked with tons of successful campaigns from video script writing to building campaign pages to pre-launch, and I’m ready for you to be my latest success story!
I also have a great book — The Kickstarter Launch Formula — that goes in-depth on everything it takes to build a campaign that smashes your funding goal.
Good luck with your script writing and campaign as a whole! And remember, Crowd Crux is here if you need us!