
Hupnos Indiegogo Case Study

Are you looking for an example campaign to study for your upcoming Indiegogo project? 

Today, we’re walking you through a campaign that CrowdCrux helped launch. We’ll get into the ins and outs of the project, what they did well, how we could have improved, and most importantly, how they went about smashing their funding goal. 

By the end of this post, you’ll come away with a much clearer understanding of what it takes to actually execute a campaign strategy. 

In this example, we’re diving into Hupnos: The Self-Learning Sleep Mask to Stop Snoring.

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For now, let’s talk about what empowered Hupnos to raise six figures from hundreds of backers on Indiegogo! 

Hupnos Case Study 

On the Hupnos campaign, we were responsible for a couple of key elements of the campaign: 

The idea behind the Hupnos project was to create a self-learning sleep mask that eliminated snoring. Basically, it was a device that you could wear while sleeping that synced up with your smartphone. 

From there, it used gentle vibrations and expiratory positive airway pressure to correct snoring habits. 

The first challenge in this campaign came in the all-important pitch video. It’s the first thing backers will encounter when visiting your campaign page, so we had to make sure to get it right. 

The video had to: 

  • Evoke an emotional response from the backer. 
  • Highlight key functionality of the product. 
  • Deliver a solution to a problem that was plaguing consumers’ lives: snoring. 

Once the video was all set, which you can check out here, it was on to building out the campaign page. 

The best crowdfunding campaign pages use images, graphics, gifs, supplemental videos, and copy to enhance the promises you made in the video. It’s also the time to deliver logical information that makes the customer believe the product actually works

Another important element of your campaign is the title and subtitle. Your title shouldn’t just be the name of your product — that doesn’t tell your consumer anything. It should also deliver a promise or big benefit. In the case of Hupnos, the title and subtitle were structured like this: 

Hupnos: Self-Learning Sleep Mask to Stop Snoring 

Analyzes and gently corrects you or your partner’s snoring patterns. Wake up feeling refreshed. 

Here’s what that title does: 

  1. Delivers a promise (stop snoring & wake up feeling refreshed) 
  2. Points to key functionality (analyzes and gently corrects) 
  3. Answers Who’s it for? (You or your partner)

You’ll also have to put some thought into creating desirable reward tiers for your backers. On Indiegogo, these are labeled as “Perks.” 

For Hupnos, we did a “2.0 Extra Comfort” version of the product as well as a Father’s Day special. So take the time to identify what your backers might be interested in, then offer those upgrades/discounts. 

Hupnos Pre-Launch 

So: we used tons of best practices to build a campaign page that converted. But how did we get potential backers to that campaign page in the first place? 

Through pre-launch! 

This is what we specialize in here at CrowdCrux. By getting momentum flowing before your campaign even goes live, you can manufacture an initial funding dump that: 

  • Helps you to trend / become featured on the Indiegogo platform 
  • Creates social proof and hype around your campaign 
  • Allows you to reach your funding goal within the first couple days of launch 

Here were some key elements to our successful pre-launch with Hupnos

  1. Running targeted Facebook Ads to a landing page that captured email leads. 
  2. Using those emails to create hype and interest surrounding the campaign, including emails that kept potential backers aware of the launch date. 
  3. Rerouting leads to a Facebook Group to keep the conversation going. 

We got so much initial funding through this strategy that the Indiegogo team actually reached out and offered to feature us in the newsletter — which led to another river of traffic and flood of funding. 

So here’s the lesson: pre-launch doesn’t just affect the first couple days of your campaign, it determines the momentum you’ll be able to build going forward, leading to more and more spikes that catapult you past your funding goal. 

And we were proactive in celebrating these spikes and milestones. We posted updates on Indiegogo, we hyped it on social media, and we shared it with the email list. The more social proof you can garner, the more people that will come to back your project! 

What We Could Have Done Better 

Looking back now, there were a couple things that we could have improved upon in regards to the Hupnos campaign. 

Firstly, we could have worked to acquire more qualified email leads. No two email addresses are the same: you want to do your best to acquire leads that are actually interested in purchasing the product to see a higher conversion rate. 

Secondly, we could have put some more money into the initial Facebook Ad strategy to leverage a larger, more qualified list. The greater investment you put in upfront, the higher chance your funding goal will reach not just into six-figure range, but far surpass that total. 


We hope that this Hupnos Indiegogo Case Study gave you some interesting insights as you build out your own pre-launch strategy and campaign page for your campaign. 

Want a personalized consultation on your project? 

Book a coaching call with the founder of CrowdCrux Salvador Briggman. He’s helped tons of campaigns smash their funding goal, and yours could be next. 

Not quite ready for the coaching phase yet? 

No problem. Here at CrowdCrux, we have tons of killer resources available to you: 

  • The Crowd Crux blog, podcast, and Youtube channel where we’re always working to deliver the best insider tips, tricks, and secrets from experts who have a wide range of experience in the industry. 

Good luck with your campaign! Let us be your trusted resource as you move towards a wildly successful launch!

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips