
I’m Going to Reveal a Product Launch Secret

Have you ever wondered why some launches are wildly successful, and others fall flat?

What about how some marketers are able to get you to FEEL excited about a new product (almost as though it’s magic)?

Buckle your seatbelt, because I’m going to take you down rabbit hole and show you the inner-workings of a successful product launch.

As you are taken on this journey, you’ll start to realize why some of the markets you follow sound the same and talk a certain way. It’s almost like they read the same secret manual…

This is one of my longer YouTube videos that’s filled with valuable nuggets, helpful tips, and marketing revelations. You might watch it once, twice, or even three times.

Eerily, when you finish watching this video, you’ll start to notice some of these tactics that are being used on you as a consumer, and you’ll start to fully understand how you can use them as a business owner.

You can watch the video below.

Pretty crazy stuff, right? 

I kind of hesitated talking about this, because I actually do some of this in my own marketing. However, as you know, I love being transparent with you. I want you to be successful. I’m on your team.

My entire life, I was always frustrated because I didn’t understand how the world works. I didn’t understand why people like some weird products and why others rave about certain celebrities.

It baffled my logical brain, which was only focused on rational things that I could understand. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been able to decode so many of these areas of life.

These discoveries, like how to fund a crowdfunding campaign, have led to success in my own business and for those that have worked with me.

I’ve even applied many of these lessons to other businesses that I own. I’ve started to share how I’ve uncovered secrets in other areas of life (like how to become a full-time blogger).

Everything That You’ve Been Told is Wrong

Have you ever had some kind of customer service job? Waitress, bank teller, technical support, etc?

As an employee, you adopt a certain personality when you’re handing customers. You’re nicer, make polite jokes, and go out of your way to make them feel comfortable.

This is NOT your authentic personality. Behind the scenes, you might joke with your co-workers about one customer, or talk badly about another.

The appearance that a customer sees when they walk in the door of your shop does not match the reality of your life.

Because of the way you’re behaving, a customer will LIKE YOU. They’ll find you non-threatening, happy, cordial, and assume you have many other positive qualities.

However, if that same customer was to meet you in you private life, they might DISLIKE YOU when they learn about your political beliefs, mannerisms, thoughts, or religious beliefs.

You are the same person. The only thing that is changing is the context of your behavior.

This is the exact same thing that is happening when you’re sold products and services online. Ironically, it’s the same thing you NEED to do if you want to get funding on Kickstarter.

Beware… Use This Newfound Knowledge With Caution

Now that you know the secret, don’t abuse it.

Powerful and influential people like Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jesus, and Abraham Lincoln can indeed change the world for the better. They can save lives, calm masses, and impact communities.

Powerful and influential people can also wreak havoc. They can cause wars, genocides, stir up fear, and unleash hatred. They possess the same communication abilities as the people mentioned above. The only difference is their values.

You can use this knowledge to get people to buy things they don’t need. You can make them buy into your twisted vision of reality. You can scam people.

But, you can also use it to get customers to take notice of amazing new products that solve their problems in new ways. In a small way, you can add to the history of humanity and make things easier for people around the world.

The choice is up to you ;).

I hope you enjoy the video and would appreciate if you could upvote it on YouTube so that more people discover it.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips