
Indiegogo Campaign Template

Looking for an Indiegogo campaign template for a project you are launching? 

How about a “paint by numbers” formula that works for crowdfunding? 

In this post, I’m going to give you the outline for a great Indiegogo campaign. I’ll talk about the title, subtitle, video, reward tiers, and more. 

This will be valuable information for you as you put together your own Indiegogo fundraising page. You can also hire me to do this for you by scheduling a free coaching call

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For now, let’s get into the perfect Indiegogo campaign template so that you can go forth with confidence as you launch. 


The first step in any Indiegogo campaign is creating a title. 

The title is the first thing potential backers will see when they visit your campaign page. 

I highly recommend implementing two key components into your title: 

  1. Name the product and / or company behind the project 
  2. What does it do? What is the product’s number one benefit? 

With your title, you’ll want to make a promise that engenders interest

The goal is to sell with your title; not merely describe the product. You’ll want to take some time in brainstorming titles to make sure you come away with the best choice. 

A great example of this comes from a campaign I worked on: Hupnos. The title we came up with was: 

Hupnos: Self Learning Sleep Mask to Stop Snoring. 

This title tells you a ton about the product in very few words. It identifies the problem (snoring), and gives a solution: a sleep mask that self-learns how to prevent it. 


The subtitle is an opportunity to expand on the promise or benefit offered by the title. 

The Hupnos example is: 

Analyzes and gently corrects you or your partner’s snoring patterns. Wake up feeling refreshed.

You can also use this as an opportunity to talk about the future. What does the potential backer’s life look like after the launch of your product? 

Ideally, it looks much better. 

You’re selling an improved lifestyle. That’s why you demonstrate this with: Wake up feeling refreshed. 


The video component of your Indiegogo campaign is the most important feature on your campaign page. 

Video length is important. If it’s too long, potential backers are going to check out and not scroll through your campaign page. If it’s too short, you’re not going to be able to evoke those emotions that will encourage support. 

A good video length to shoot for is about three and a half minutes.

You’ll want your video include: 

  • Punchiness and evoking images 
  • B-rolls that demonstrates the product in action 
  • Some of the story behind the product 

The key is delivering as much information and value as possible in the shortest amount of space. You want to show people enjoying and benefitting from your product, but do it quickly enough that there is no chance to lose interest. 

Summary and Campaign Text

The summary section of your campaign page should be dedicated to restating some of the top benefits and talking about the results that someone can expect after backing the product. 

Your campaign text should always be divided by headlines. 

These headlines will draw the reader’s attention to different facets of the product. 

It’s very rare that someone reads every single word of a campaign page. It should be skimmable, so that a potential backer can identify what is most pertinent to their personal emotions or questions. 

Make no mistake: the campaign text is a sales page. It’s okay to be long-winded here: 2,000 words is about what I recommend. You just need to make sure it’s visually appealing through the use of images and gifs. 

You’re trying to drive up education, interest, and emotional appeal with your campaign text. People will know through reading your campaign page that you’ve put real thought into the product; that you care. 


Lastly, let’s talk about offering rewards.

The key to building must-have rewards is making people feel like they are getting a good deal. 

You’ll always want to make sure that the backer feels like they are in on something exclusive. 

Let’s be honest, they’re taking a risk by backing your product: you are, after all, a start up. 

You’ll have to take into account retailers, manufacturing, and other costs when building your price. You need to charge enough so that you have money for advertising and fulfillment going forward. 


A lot goes into building a great Indiegogo campaign. 

I hope this basic overview was helpful for you. If you follow these steps, you’re sure to build a promising campaign page. 

I have a ton of other great resources out there, including my free crowdfunding course and books that are available in both print and audio formats. 

You should also check out my Podcast and Youtube Channel for more killer content!

About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips