
Indiegogo Tips and Tricks

In this post I’ll be getting into some of the tips and tricks for using Indiegogo as a platform for your crowdfunding campaign. 

Indiegogo is an incredible crowdfunding website; I love the staff there, and the site has helped to launch many successful business ideas. 

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I think one of the biggest misnomers when it comes to Indiegogo is that you can just throw up a campaign and raise money. 

Unfortunately, this is not the case. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of tips and tricks to ensure that your campaign is a successful one. 

Indiegogo Tips and Tricks 

Bring Your Own Crowd. When you are sharing a campaign on social media with friends and family who are already interested in what you have to stay, you can begin to drive initial traffic. You want your funding meter to be rising right from the start, thus piquing interest. A good rule of thumb is to try and raise 30% of your goal within the first couple days—this will immediately help you to rank better in the Indiegogo algorithm. 

Set A Low Goal. All too often, I encounter excited entrepreneurs with an unrealistic goal that is too difficult to achieve. Instead, better practice is to set a lower goal and blow past it, which will lead to you trending on the platform. I would recommend setting as low a goal as possible to make this project a reality, then use the critical mass of people to incentivize further donations. 

Pre-Launch. A pre-launch is essentially warming people up to your campaign. You want people to amped up and excited about your project by letting them know what’s coming. Building an email list and social media profiles are a great way to get started, increasing the likelihood of a viral effect once you actually go live. You can get more information on this by checking out another one of my videos, How To Start An Indiegogo

Create A Campaign Page That Converts. In order to actually raise funds, you have to do more than simply drive traffic. Once a potential donor arrives, you want the page to be effective enough to prompt a contribution. You need a page that converts traffic into support. To do this, you should monitor other campaigns to see what is successful, and consider requesting coaching to build a winning kickstarter video

Invest In Marketing. More often than not, projects that raise a ton of money utilize programs like Facebook advertising and influencer outreach to promote the campaign. I recommend creating a marketing budget before you get started to maximize the potential of your outreach. 

Considering Timing. Naturally, different campaigns should be launched at different times throughout the year. You should do some thinking about an ideal time to launch. What’s going on in the media? What are some key events that are taking place in the world? For example, promoting a cooler might not be a great idea in the winter months, as potential donors are not thinking about that need. 

Utilize Indiegogo Functionality. Indiegogo offers many functionalities like secret perks, Indemand, a help team, and google analytics. To utilize these benefits, you should consider hiring a campaign manager or spending significant time delving into the Indiegogo dashboard. 

Don’t Go It Alone. The number one attribute I’ve seen in successful entrepreneurs is the ability to build a team. While you may have certain skills that are highly beneficial, I can almost guarantee that you are not good at everything. It’s simply too overwhelming to try and do everything on your own; so don’t. The sooner you can assemble a valuable team around you, the better off you will be in making your dream business a reality! 

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips