
Inspirational Children’s Book Launches on Kickstarter

I can’t tell you how excited I am to share this project with you.

One of my students recently launched their Kickstarter campaign for an inspirational children’s book that empowers kids in minority communities to be courageous, creative, and productive.

This is The Sister Girl Collection book series! Sister Girl and the New Dress is a children’s book about an inquisitive 7-year old that loves to be creative, spend time with her family, and learn how to sew.

If you think back to when YOU were a kid, I’m sure that you looked up to certain characters in books or movies. We all have people in our lives who have played an important role.

All too often, the heroes that we read about in books don’t LOOK like us. They’re of a different race, gender, or background. It makes it difficult to relate and believe you are capable of great things.

It’s critically important that we expose today’s youth to positive values and characters that can enrich their lives.

It’s even more important that we introduce them to heroes and heroines that look like them so that they can go on to believe they are also capable of these great feats.

Author Nicole Fenner’s new project does this and more. You can learn a bit about this new project here.

Why Now?

Children learn through storytelling. That’s how they’re able to imagine themselves in different situations and learn how to behave.

In Sister Girl and the New Dress, Fenner brings together an engaging story where Sister Girl learns how to sew.

Her mother teaches her how to make beautiful creations to wear, and why patience is essential when learning new things. As a hidden lesson, kids also learn about saving money.

Sister Girl’s beautiful family continues to mold her into a well-rounded young lady. Readers will enjoy Sister Girl’s latest journey. It’s also a great way for parents to engage in dialogue with their children about a hobby they’d like to take up after reading the book.

In all, Sister Girl and the New Dress is a book that celebrates our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and friends that pour their hearts into being seamstress for their families.

“When I was a little girl, my mother sewed dresses for all occasions for me,” says Fenner. “My mothers’ love of sewing has always stuck with me, and I have poured her passion and creative spirit into this book.” 

“Her love at an early age made me feel beautiful, unique and special. I hope all girls have special moments with their moms,” says Fenner.

The Diversity Gap in Literature

Right now, there is a HUGE diversity gap in literature. Kids need to see themselves in the stories that they read. That’s not happening.

African Americans make up an incredibly small percentage of the literature industry. This means that children aren’t seeing characters who look like themselves in the books they read.

In order for us to foster good values, children need to see positive family dynamics and other kids achieving goals in their favorite stories.

This is the only way they’ll come to believe in themselves and be encouraged to follow their dreams.

Not only is this achieved with the Sister Girl Collection, but it’s also one of the missions of the author Nicole Fenner, who has been working to bring this message to elementary schools.

Fenner has been spreading her story by reading to children and having conversations about new educational initiates with their parents and teachers.

Now, you can also help to make an impact!

You can bring this message of positive to your children and other kids around the globe.

Let me tell you a little bit about the different rewards that are offered…

Exclusive Rewards and Perks

Along with getting a copy of Sister Girl And the New Dress, there are many other perks that will help introduce your kids to reading, learning, and positive values.

First of all, there is the motivational coloring book which features 15 inspiring illustrations that will encourage your children to dream big with some of the most inspiring pictures of Sister Girl.

Next, there are bookmarks which children can use to mark their spot and be reminded of the inspirational Sister Girl character. There is also information where kids can learn more about the story.

Lastly, there is a school kit package that you can get for your public school, community center, or local library. This can help to introduce more children to the Sister Girl Story and bring positive family-centered values into the community.

You’ll get:

  • 10 copies of “Sister Girl and the New Dress.”
  • 10 Coloring Books
  • 1 Teacher’s Kit with a lesson plan on “How to Encourage Our Students to Aspire to Greatness.”
  • 1 Maxi Classroom Poster of Sister Girl.

This is a TON of great value! You’re really helping get this message out there and inspire children worldwide!

Inspire and Motivate Children Worldwide

To get started, all you gotta do is pledge to the Sister Girl and the New Dress Kickstarter campaign.

Take a second to share this with someone that also shares this vision of a better world for our children. It’s not going happen overnight, but this is a small and incredibly important step towards transforming our local communities.

The Kickstarter campaign will only be live for ~30 more days, after which, if successful, the rewards will be shipped out to you and the rest of the backers!

I can’t wait to be a part of this movement and I look forward to watching Nicole as she brings this story to the world.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips