
7 Jobs Available in the Crowdfunding Industry

In the middle of a job search? Go no further!

Crowdfunding has opened up a wide range of job opportunities for people who are interested in working for new and innovative companies.

If you are fascinated by crowdfunding and have strengths that you can bring to the industry, there are many jobs available in a number of different fields.

AngelList is a great place to start. My search for ‘crowdfunding’ resulted in a list of 138 startups.

angel list crowfunding

They are hiring for positions like:

1. Co-Founder

New crowdfunding platforms and crowdfunding related services are being started all the time. At this very moment, entrepreneurs are putting their ideas in motion, hoping to start a successful career in a still growing industry.

Building a start-up on your own isn’t for everyone, and I saw a couple of listings from individuals looking for a co-founder to bring more experience to the table moving forward. One of these was London based HouseFundr, a P2P real estate investment marketplace.

cofounder housefundr

2. Software Engineer

There are plenty of job listings for engineers of all types in the crowdfunding industry. They include iOS engineers, front-end engineers and back-end engineers. Some companies that are hiring for these positions are GiveForward, CircleUp, Patreon and more.

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Since crowdfunding platforms are all online, there are plenty of jobs available for those in the IT and engineering, including senior positions, such as Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

3. Legal Counsel

As with any type of start-up, there are many legal issues that need to be dealt with. Some crowdfunding platforms and services have chosen to hire legal counsel to help with things like corporate formation, financing, website/customer agreements, and other day-to-day legal aspects.

A couple of companies that are looking to hire legal counsel and related positions at the time of writing are MarketX and RealtyShares.

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4. PR & Communications Director

Another big challenge for new companies is figuring out the best to communicate their mission and the value of their services to potential customers. It is important in the early stages to get the word out there about your new start-up, and take control of your own image.

That’s why companies like Seedrs are looking to hire employees in PR and Communications. As these companies grow, PR and Communications workers can plan communication with stakeholders ahead of time and manage potential crises and problems in a way that maintains the company’s reputation.

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5. Crowdfunding Consultant

With thousands of crowdfunding projects being launched each year to raise money for an unbelievably large amount of projects, start-ups, causes and more, crowdfunding consultants are in high demand. It is important for creators to know when a crowdfunding consultant is needed and how to choose the right one, which is talked about in more detail in this post.

One company looking to hire a crowdfunding consultant on AngelList is CW Companies, a group of Nationwide Unbiased Automotive Sales Professionals.

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6. Customer Relations Representative

Of course, it is essential for crowdfunding platforms to offer good customer service. That way, if creators run into any issues or a problem with their campaign it can be solved in a timely and professional manner.

Good customer service can make or break a crowdfunding platform. Bad reviews get around and platforms that make it extremely difficult to reach representatives in times of need end up losing business as a result. A few platforms looking for customer relations or customer service representatives are SmartRaiser, CauseVox, and Patreon.

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7. Operations Manager

Operations managers have the important task of making sure that the business runs smoothly and that customer’s needs are being met. There are several opportunities out there for operations managers who would like a job in the crowdfunding industry.

Companies in the industry like Kickstarter are interested in hiring candidates who are capable of efficiently managing operations.

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This list is just a brief look at some of the jobs that are available in the crowdfunding industry, and is by no means exhaustive. While the companies mentioned here provide us with just a snapshot of current listings, they give us a good idea as to what types of companies are looking to fill positions from a variety of different fields.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below!

About Author

Krystine Therriault is a journalist, blogger, and the community manager for CrowdCrux. She loves learning about new trending projects and dissecting them to bring new tips and information to creators.