
5 Keys to a Successful Indiegogo Campaign

Are you looking to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign with Indiegogo? 

Platforms like Indiegogo allow you to source funds from the public-at-large for your dream project. And you’re in luck because I’m going to show you exactly how to do it. 

In this article, I’m taking you through some key insights to actually raise funds on Indiegogo. We’ll explore what you have to do right if you want to hit (and exceed!) your fundraising goal. 

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Feeling more prepared to take on your Indiegogo campaign goals? 

Make sure to check out my Youtube channel for more awesome content relating to your campaign strategy. 

For now — let’s give you some key tips for a successful Indiegogo campaign! 

1. Your Campaign Pitch Video 

The single most important element of an Indiegogo campaign is the pitch video

It’s the first thing that potential backers see when they encounter your campaign page, setting the stage for the conversion. 

Think of the pitch video like a movie trailer — it’s an opportunity to get people interested in your product. 

Your video has to be emotionally evocative in order to keep potential backers on your page so that they’ll check out other aspects of your campaign such as: 

Your video should deliver a promise that solves a problem for potential backers. Use b-roll footage to show that solution, giving backers the opportunity to envision improvement in their lives. 

For a more detailed outline of how to create a killer Indiegogo pitch video, check out an awesome video I made on the topic here

2. Engineer Success With Pre-Launch 

Your pre-launch strategy is what allows you to rank well in the Indiegogo algorithm. 

In order to become a trending project and receive as much exposure as possible for your campaign, you need to prove to the platform that people are excited about your project. 

The best pre-launch strategies prime the pump for an initial dump in funding. As a general rule of thumb, you want to reach at least 30% of your funding goal within the first three days of your campaign. 

Any pre-launch strategy should include: 

  • The building of an email list 
  • Social media outreach 
  • Targeted ads on Facebook

That way, by the time your campaign goes live, that pledge meter will already be ticking upwards. Indiegogo will recognize this, and recommend your campaign to strangers that you don’t even have to target yourself. 

Remember — it’s not just about hitting your funding goal. It’s about engineering a wildly viral campaign that reaches a huge audience. 

3. Set a Realistic Funding Goal 

Ideally, you’d probably like to raise six or seven figures for your project. 

But that doesn’t mean you should set your fundraising goal at a million bucks. 

If you set your goal too high, backers visiting your campaign are unlikely to believe that you can actually reach that mark. 

And if they don’t believe that the campaign has a shot, they aren’t going to learn about your product and eventually back the project. 

However, if you set your goal lower and meet it quickly (because of all the great work you did during pre-launch!) people will be intrigued by the success of your campaign and more willing to explore buying your product. 

So — set your funding goal as low as possible. Just make sure it’s enough to cover the costs of things like: 

4. Make Your Indiegogo Campaign a Media Event

At the end of the day, you’re not just looking to raise money for a one-and-done campaign. You want to grow this product into a larger cultural phenomenon that exists beyond Indiegogo

Due to the nature of crowdfunding campaigns being held in a launch-style format, you can create real hype around the event through media outreach. 

Media attention allows for social proof to grow your brand

Your media strategy should include: 

  • Press releases 
  • Blog posts from reputable sites in your niche 
  • Influencers on social platforms talking about the product 

This campaign is an opportunity to share your unique story and build brand loyalty

Reporters want to find new stories that people are excited about. If you go to a journalist and say: Hey, we just reached our funding goal of $25,000 from over 500 backers — they are going to recognize an opportunity to grow their audience. Take advantage of this mutually beneficial exchange! 

5. Assemble an Awesome Team 

The most successful entrepreneurs are great at identifying their strengths and weaknesses. 

Maybe you’re really good at figuring out manufacturing, order fulfillment, and supply chain logistics, but you aren’t as comfortable on the marketing side of things. 

The lesson here is to avoid taking everything on yourself. 

Indiegogo campaigns are a lot of work, and trying to do everything yourself is going to leave you overwhelmed. 

You want to assemble an awesome team that is invested in your project to ensure success. Not only will this spread out the labor, but it will also help to give the campaign exposure from connections / circles provided by your team. 


This article has given you five of the most important tips for launching a successful Indiegogo campaign. Use them wisely to watch the donations roll in! 

Looking for some additional resources and assistance? 

Make sure to check out my Podcast where I’m always chatting with successful crowdfunders and subscribe to my Youtube Channel so that you’re as prepared as possible for the road ahead. 

Also, if you’re looking to add a proven and experienced professional to your team, book a coaching call with me.  

I’ve helped tons of entrepreneurs like you bring their visions to life through crowdfunding, and I’d love to work with you! 

Good luck with your campaign — here’s to produce the next viral product!


About Author

Writer and content creator at CrowdCrux. Works with Salvador Briggman to bring you crowdfunding tips, advice, and education. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips