
Kickstarter Expert Reveals Step-by-Step Strategy For Facebook Ads

If you have NO IDEA where to start with Facebook ads or NEVER used them before, then today’s video is perfect for you…

I brought on a Kickstarter expert and the founder of acrowdfunding agency to show you how to set up a Facebook yourself (in a matter of minutes).

This is a step-by-step training tutorial that will introduce you to two tools that make Facebook advertising a lot easier.

You’ll also discover the “metrics” you should be watching if you want to have a profitable Facebook advertisement.

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He is one of the experts in the crowdfunding space and I think he shared some great tips when it comes to Facebook ads. Things like…

1. How do you target people?

There are so many ways to target people with your Facebook ads. You can use the broad selectors on Facebook. You can use lookalike audiences. You can upload a custom audience. You can re-target people!

It can make your head spin. There’s an overwhelming amount of data and information that you can use to effectively reach people online.

The first step to getting started is to decide who your ideal customer is. Then you want to work backwards from there. That’s how we’ll figure out the best way to target your backers.

They also help with this aspect and can literally run your ads for you.

2. What’s the best way to measure results?

Similar to targeting, you can measure results in so many ways. You can measure through clicks, conversions, app downloads, or even impressions.

Sometimes, you may want to measure results by cost per acquisition in terms of an email address. Other times, it might be by shares and impressions if you’re trying to make a piece of content go viral.

For a crowdfunding campaign launch, I would always try to measure results by the sales that you can generate with your ads. The purpose of advertising is to make money.

Take out a spreadsheet and drill down all the costs. You want to be able to put $1 in and get $4 out from your advertisements.

3. A|B Testing is King

A lot of the times, my students will ask me questions like, “Hey Sal, which creative is better for my ad?”

There are principles behind the types of ads that work better on social media. However, a lot of the time, you don’t know until you test it!

The easiest way to do this is to run an A|B testing campaign. You can clearly see which creatives are performing well, which audiences are performing best, and what strategy you should take going forward.

Make sure that you A|B test your ads and even by throwing $5 per day at them, you’ll be able to more effectively determine which audiences are profitable and which creatives are best.

4. Make use of experts and service providers

You can waste a lot of money trying to do Facebook advertising yourself. If you have it in your budget, I would 100% hire an expert to do this for you.

Just make sure that the person you’re using has gotten results in the past and that they know what they’re doing!

If you’re interested in having them do your Facebook ads for you, you can submit an application to work with him here. They don’t work with everyone and are very selective.

At the very least, you can have someone else look over your advertising strategy to see whether or not you’re accounting for all of the variables. This is an easy way to save time and money.

You could book me for a coaching session and I’d be happy to review your FB ad strategy. I can suggest tweaks, along with ways that you can lower your cost per acquisition.

What happens after your initial Facebook advertisement is also important. You need to have people in a funnel that converts them into a backer of your campaign.

I hope you found this video to be helpful. Make sure to use some of the techniques mentioned! Good luck!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips