
13 Killer Facebook Fundraising Tips

I want to talk about how to effectively raise money on Facebook. 

In this video, you will be given the resources to effectively market and drive traffic to your Facebook fundraiser! 

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Let’s talk about some of my favorite tips for promoting and getting more attention to your Facebook campaign. 

I’ve put together a new GUIDE that’s packed with science-backed nonprofit fundraising methods, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more donations and you want to fast-track the entire process. 

13 Killer Fundraising Tips

  • Be personal, not spammy. Facebook is used to share messages when it comes to your family and friends—they don’t necessarily want to see you begging or pleading for money. Instead, try a personal approach by sharing a story that demonstrates why you are passionate about the project, or success stories of the people that you’ve helped. Talking about your emotions is also a sure-fire way to stand out. 
  • Use images, not just links. The facebook algorithm does not favor a plan link to your crowdfunding page. The best way to drive traffic is to have a status update, post the link, and then embed an image or video. 
  • Ask direct questions that invite answers. Facebook users are more likely to take action when there is a dose of anxiety involved. Asking questions like ‘would you be willing to support this?’ or ‘do you care about this?’ invites answers, objections that you can explain, and donations. 
  • Create a Facebook Group. Adding people that are interested or influential in regards to your cause is a great way to concentrate your demographic and create a mini media landscape where you can foster engagement and excitement around your project. 
  • Utilize Instagram & Facebook Live Feeds. By going live, potential donors can see your face and connect with you on a more personal level. They can see how passionate you are about your cause, which is a great way to build a rapport and rank higher on the Facebook algorithm. 
  • Direct Messaging. By reaching out to individuals directly, you can gather their attention much more forcefully and show that you are invested in making personal connections. With this, they are more likely to take action, because they know it is important to you. 
  • Chatbot/Auto Responder. Chatbots can answer common questions and divulge helpful information for new donors that are potentially joining the fold. This is a very easy way to increase interaction without even having to be present. 
  • Social Proof. Showing that people are already interested is a great way to demonstrate that people care about your campaign, and that it is gaining momentum. If you are working with a team, make sure that everyone involved likes and shares the posts on your page to create hype and attention. 
  • Facebook Fundraiser. Using the built-in Facebook Fundraising feature directly utilizes the functionality of the platform rather than linking to another platform like Go Fund Me. This will allow for a better ranking in the algorithm, but can limit you in that you cannot drive donations from outside of Facebook. 
  • Employ a ‘Thank You Strategy.’ You will want to continue to show appreciation and celebrate donations, thus fostering positive emotions. By saying that you are thankful, you will make donors feel like better people. Communicating appreciation for milestones and donations gives you a chance to continue the conversation around your fundraiser. 
  • Facebook Event. Similar to a Facebook group, you can concentrate your demographic and gauge interest. Using a virtual or live event can also help to increase interaction through comments and reactions. 
  • Facebook Ads. You’ll have to be careful with this one as it is more advanced, but Facebook ads can help to micro-target very specific populations. With this strategy, you can build email lists to consistently reach your demographic. 
  • Create Shareworthy Videos. All social media is based around inducing emotions, and a video is a great way to go about that. When people feel compelled by something, they will share it with their friends, thus allowing for organic outreach by individuals. 

I’ve put together a new GUIDE that’s packed with science-backed nonprofit fundraising methods, resources, strategies, and killer marketing methods.

You should check it out if you want to get more donations and you want to fast-track the entire process. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and feel more confident in building a Facebook Fundraiser. Check out my book, Nonprofit Crowdfunding Explained, for a more in-depth understanding of how to build a great fundraiser. 

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips