
Launching Two Crowdfunding Campaigns at Once

Have you ever thought about raising money simultaneously on Kickstarter and Indiegogo?

You launch one crowdfunding campaign and then you launch another. This way, you get exposure in both marketplaces. Sounds like a great idea, right?

Well… the reality is a bit different.

You see, I’ve had so many people ask me this very same question that I decided to devote an entire video to answering it.

As you watch this YouTube video, you’ll quickly discover whether or not this is a good idea, along with the pros and cons of this strategy.

You can watch the video here (or check it out down below).

It’s my job to bring you the best strategies for raising money with a crowdfunding campaign.

I do this through my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. However, I can only share so much on these channels. There’s so much more that I want to reveal for you.

That’s why I wrote the book the Kickstarter Launch Formula which is available on Amazon. This book is an excellent guide for revving up your first crowdfunding campaign and ensuring a big splash when you launch.

The great thing about this book is that it works for both Kickstarter and Indiegogo. You don’t have to go hunting around the internet, trying to find how to get funding. All the major strategies are there in one place.

Don’t have time? Don’t worry!

The biggest complaint that I get from new entrepreneurs is that they’re strapped for time. They don’t have the time to actually read a book and go through all of the lessons.

No worries! I completely understand.

My goal is to meet you where you are, which is why I’ve also created an Audible version of the Kickstarter Launch Formula to supercharge your reading experience.

You’ll quickly breeze through the lessons, quickly gain new insights, and have all of my crowdfunding wisdom transferred into your brain.

In the last few years, life has been transformed by the audio books that I listen to. I’ve been able to turn my life into a learning center, and tackle new subjects while in the car, commuting to work, or exercising at the gym.

When you pick up a copy of the Kickstarter Launch Formula, you can get it for FREE if you also sign up for a free 30 day trial of Audible. Audible is the #1 resource for audio books.

If you know that you should be reading more, but have been struggling to find the time, then Audible is the perfect solution. You’ll get access to tons of books and be able to read them on the go.

What about promoting my campaign?

Once you’ve gotten the right education, it’s time to finally launch your project!

I share with you exactly how to market your project and get the word out. However, sometimes you need a little bit of help along the way.

I’ve put together a blog article with the top marketing companies in this industry. When you click through, you can learn a bit more about these different promotional firms.

It goes without saying that you can have the BEST product in the world, but unless you get eyeballs on it, it’s not gonna sell. Attention equals sales.

I also have a press release website that will help you with getting your campaign out to the media. This website offers distribution options, social media promotion, home page features, and more. If you’re interested, you can visit that site and submit an inquiry.

I hope that you enjoyed my YouTube video and that going forward, you’ll continue to check out some of the education that I have out there for you. It’s been my mission to demystify crowdfunding so that you can raise more money (without having to figure it all out yourself).

If you’d like to support me in this mission, I always am thankful for the readers that subscribe to my content on YouTube, join my email newsletter, and become a part of my more intensive one-on-one coaching program.

My goal is to help you reach (and surpass) yours. Happy crowdfunding!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips