
How to Raise Crowdfunding Dollars for a Business

Do you want to get funding for YOUR business?

You could have created a board game, new invention, smartphone app, fashion line, or new briefcase.

It doesn’t matter what type of business you have. You can use crowdfunding to raise funds for it and I can show you exactly how to do it!

It’s no secret that the majority of crowdfunding campaigns fail to hit their fundraising goal. They aren’t able to reach the velocity needed to really take off and become a smash succcess.

I’ve been studying this problem for the last five years and I’m happy to share with you a video that will answer ALL of the questions that you have when it comes to business crowdfunding.

I’ll link you to it below. If you enjoy, can you give me a thumbs up?

A lot more clear, isn’t it?

You’re probably not going to like this, but I’m going to say it anyway.

You need money to make money.

I’m NOT going to cushion this statement and talk about how you can become a multi-millionaire in a few short months (without needing any startup capital).

Every single business on earth was started with money. It either came from the savings of the founder, angel investors, venture capitalists, or because the business owner re-invested the profits back into the company.

Without injections of cash, a business will cease to grow. Slowly, it will be overtaken by the competition and eventually it will wither and die.

This is especially true for startup companies. Startups must reach a terminal velocity quickly, otherwise they won’t hit the critical mass needed to create a self-sustaining business.

It’s crazy, but even major tech companies are stilling relying on funding rounds!

I focus so much on this problem of “lack of money” because I’ve discovered a way to get funding instantly from the crowd. I share more information in the video today.

Not All Money is Created Equal

There is no such thing as getting “something for nothing.” There are always expectations tied to money.

Different types of crowdfunding exist for business and you can get a better understanding of how they work by paying attention to the “expectations” of the crowd.

For example, with equity crowdfunding, the people who give you money are actually called investors. They will own shares in your company in exchange for financing your startup. They expect that at a future date, they’ll get a good return on investment when your company is sold or goes public .

As another example, with rewards-based crowdfunding, the individuals who support your business are called backers. They give you money because they want to own a copy of the product that you’re making. If your campaign is successful, you’ll ship out the initial production run of the product to these early adopters.

Every type of crowdfunding has costs and benefits associated with it, whether monetary or time-related. Unless it’s pure charity, there will be expectations attached to the money that is given to you.

How To Get People To Care…

New business owners tend to have a deeply-ingrained consumer mindset. What is a consumer mindset?

As consumers, we’ve been told that our opinions, thoughts, and beliefs matter. We are told that simply because we have money and we want something, that we deserve to have it.

The funny thing is that this is 100% right… when you’re a consumer. As a business owner, you’re operating from the other side of the table. You’re now working behind the scenes of the system and you get to see how it actually works.

A successful business owner knows that their ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, empathize with that their feeling, and deliver an experience that matches that individual’s expectations is their secret power. 

Successful entrepreneurs are able to anticipate the needs, wants, and thoughts of other people. It’s empathy taken to the extreme.

To get people to care about what you’re doing and invest in you with their hard-earned money, you have to know how to communicate your product, vision, and team effectively.

In my book, the Kickstarter Launch Formula, I share how to do this and even pull on psychological triggers to make it happen faster.

The first step towards raising funding for your business is dialing into the education that’s out there, like my blog, podcast, youtube channel, etc. The second step is to begin to form a launch strategy. Finally, you gotta take action.

I hope that this video is helpful for you and gets you started on the right foot! I’m a pretty normal dude (actually I’m really weird) just sharing some of the discoveries that I’ve made over the last few years.

If you wanna connect, hit me up or leave a comment on one of my videos! Peace!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips