
Review of CrowdStreet – Real Estate Crowdfunding Website

CrowdStreet is a real estate crowdfunding website that you can use to invest in real estate online.

In this video, I’m going to do a comprehensive review of the platform, how you can use it, the pros and cons, and more.

I try to go through all of the micro-elements that you’ll have to consider before putting your money in this investment.

If you’re trying to decide whether or not this is for you, then this is a great place to get started.

By the end, you’ll have a pretty good idea of how it works!

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I put out videos each week on crowdfunding, raising money, and different aspects of the industry.

Let’s talk a bit about CrowdStreet…

CrowdStreet has Raised $400 Million…

This is across more than 250 offerings on the website. They’ve done a fantastic job allocating capital to quality deals that need their attention.

I share more in the video in terms of how the site works and who can invest on it.

I first came across this portal when I was researching for my book Real Estate Crowdfunding Explained.

CrowdStreet is one of the top real estate crowdfunding websites in this industry that caters to high net worth investors.

They also help other people do online offerings for their investments with CrowdStreet investment software.

White Label Real Estate Software

CrowdStreet investment software can be used to power your own real estate investing portal. Think of it as a white label solution.

Basically, if you already have access to accredited investors and you simply want to take your real estate offerings online, then CrowdStreet can help you do this.

I reveal how exactly in this video. They have been running a portal for a long time in this industry and have ironed out the kinks when it comes to doing online offerings.

Basically, you can “rent” the software from them rather than trying to figure out how to develop it yourself from scratch. Doing it yourself is very costly from a web development perspective.

Open to Accredited Investors

If you want to participate on CrowdStreet and gain access to exclusive deals, then you must be an accredited investor.

An accredited investor is simply a high net worth individual who can afford to take a financial loss.

They meet the criteria of an accredited investor including things like:

  • Earning $200,000 USD or more with expectation to in the future
  • Having a $1 million net worth excluding their house.
  • Requirements vary for couples and institutions.

If you fit into this category then you may want to look into CrowdStreet. You can learn more about them in the video that I put together or on their website.

Notably, there are some drawbacks to using the website as well, so I do recommend taking a look at that video.

Real Estate Crowdfunding

If you want to learn more about Real Estate Crowdfunding, I’ve put together a entire guide that walks you step-by-step through the different platforms.

This guide is called Real Estate Crowdfunding Explained and you can access it on Amazon or Audible.

In fact, if you’d like, you can get a free copy of the Audible book when you sign up for a 30 day free trail of Audible.

It’s a no-brainer if you wanna learn more about Real Estate Crowdfunding.

I hope that you enjoyed the view review that I’ve put together for you. If you have any questions, you can leave a comment on that YouTube video.

I’ll do my best to address them in the future. As always, it’s my mission to continue to educate on online real estate investing and the different ways you can go about it.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips