
RocketClub Helps Your Startup Gather a Crowd

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What’s the hardest part of starting a company?

I think it’s the chicken and egg problem. You need early adopters to gather feedback and iterate on your idea, but customers are hesitant to use your product while it’s primitive and buggy.

Now, there is a solution. You can use RocketClub to attract a crowd of early adopters by rewarding them with equity in your business.

You can also use RocketClub as another way to build a crowd before you launch a crowdfunding project.

I talked with Erik, the cofounder of RocketClub, to learn more about how his platform works and advice that he’s learned the hard way while building a successful gaming company.

rocketclub homepage

In this podcast episode, you’ll learn: 

  • How you can use RocketClub to get early adopters for your startup
  • When you’ll make money with your startup shares on RocketClub
  • Some of the benefits of attracting early adopters
  • What you have to do to get equity in a startup on their platform
  • The mindset that you need in the early stages of a startup
  • Advice for game developers learned during Erik’s previous successful company
  • Erik’s take on the growing entrepreneurship culture
  • The benefits of trying cool new products
  • Why RocketClub did a campaign for their own website. 

Links and resources mentioned in this episode: 

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips