
This Simple Trick Raised $134,387 and Saved a Failing Kickstarter Campaign

Are you ready to start seeing results? Listen up!

You’re about to learn how one campaign got 100 backers in 2 short hours. Crazy, right?

This Kickstarter campaign had no formal pre-launch plan and zero marketing preparation.

They simply hit the launch button… and… uh oh… the fundraising meter quickly plateaued.

Rather than losing their heads, this team dug into why the engine wasn’t working, fixed it, consulted some experts, and then came at the marketing with a completely new angle.

Instantly, they began to see results. They were shocked.

The views to their campaign jumped up, and they quickly became a “project we love” on Kickstarter.

In our remarkably transparent interview, a member of the team shares the simple thing that they did to turn everything around and accelerate their crowdfunding success.

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About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips