
The #3 Reason Someone Will Buy Your Product

Having trouble getting people to buy your product?

With this video, I’ll reveal the mental calculation that happens before you buy a product and how YOU as an entrepreneur can come out on top.

Once you understand this, you can apply it to your crowdfunding campaign and make it so that visitors immediately back your project, buy into your vision, and want to own your product.

The hardest part of getting funding for a Kickstarter project or racking up sales is persuading website visitors to take action. You’re about to learn how to do it!

This is the keys to the kingdom folks. Use wisely.

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If you enjoyed the video, then you’re going to love some of the content that I have coming your way in the next couple of weeks. You can subscriber here to get notified when it comes out.

No matter what category your product is in, the tips that I shared on this video can help you get more people to buy whatever it is that you’re selling.

People don’t like to do work…

If you’re weird like me, then you know that hustle and hard work is the only way you’re getting anywhere in life. I actually look forward to work, because I know it’s gonna push my life forward.

However, the average person doesn’t think that way. Most people don’t like the idea of having to do a lot of work in order to achieve something in life.

  • They don’t want to have to work out in the gym 5 times per week in order to get a six pack.
  • They don’t want to have to spend 12 hours in the office each day to become wealthy.
  • They don’t want to have to “figure out” how to do something, like start a business. They just want the results handed to them.

This mentality is the result of our huge consumer culture which promises results without work. All you gotta do is spend money to be happy, fit, rich, and successful.

If you want more people to buy your product, then you have to make it SUPER SIMPLE for them to obtain the benefits the product promises. All they have to do is spend the money.

Don’t make them figure out confusing shipping or sizes or how this product will fit into their life. Do the thinking for them and make it very easy to get the product’s benefits.

People don’t like a fair deal…

The average person does not want to get a fair or mediocre deal where they pay $10 in order to get $10 worth of benefits or results. It’s just not emotionally exciting.

Instead, most people want a deal where they pay $10 and get $20 or 30 worth of benefits. They want to feel like they got “a great deal” or great value for their money.

This is exactly why most clothing stores will heavily discount all of their items. It adds to that perception that “wow, there are some great deals today, I should get something.” 

The more that you structure a product offer so that people can clearly SEE they’re getting a ton of value for a small price, the more you’ll see your sales increase.

Price or cost isn’t just about money. It can also include:

  • Physical effort to buy something
  • Mental energy required to decide something
  • Justifications to family, friends, or spouse for decision
  • What that money means to someone relative to their budget

Start to think about things that you can include in your reward tiers, stretch goals, and other add-ons that you can use to make it seem like the backers of your crowdfunding campaign are getting a killer deal when they pledge money on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

People want to level up their life…

A final key lessons that I’ve learned which can dramatically increase your pledges, funding, and sales is that people aren’t happy with incremental improvements.

Let’s say Apple comes out with a new iPhone that’s a little bit faster, a little bit more powerful, and has a bit better of a camera. How motivated are you to buy that new phone?

Not very. Unless your existing one sucks and is falling apart, you probably won’t go through the hassle of getting the latest iPhone.

However, what if Apple comes out with an iPhone that is dramatically better than anything out there on the market. It has built-in VR, a 24 hour battery, DSLR-quality camera, and can even read your thoughts. How motivated would you be to buy that one?

Probably, you’d find it very exciting! You’d be in a line that forms around the block to get your hands on one.

If you are able to convince people that the benefits they’re getting are incredible alone, and even more awesome compared to the cost, then you’ll have an easy time getting sales.

Discover other Kickstarter secrets…

If you want to discover other Kickstarter selling secrets, then I have a great announcement for you. I now have a course out there on Udemy where you can access all of this!

You’re about to discover:

  • A remarkably easy way to get instantly funded in record time
  • How to engineer a viral Kickstarter campaign
  • A surefire storytelling formula for a killer pitch video
  • How to be successful on Kickstarter (without a big following or “crowd”)
  • Powerful weapons of mass influence that work every time
  • And much more..

You can watch the trailer and learn more here.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips