
This week’s $25 Giveaway For Your Kickstarter Campaign

There was a great response for the $20 giveaway last week and I had a lot of fun seeing all the different types of campaigns you guys are working on. It’s actually very inspiring to see so many passionate people working towards making their dreams a reality. Anyway, I’ve decided to run another giveaway this week!


I recently launched a new website called CrowdfundingClassifieds, where you can create a free classifieds posting related to crowdfunding or your crowdfunding campaign. For example, if you are looking to hire a video editor, you can post a free job advertisement.

If you want to work with another Kickstarter campaigner to do some cross-promotion, you can post a free advertisement on the website.

If you are a really talented writer but are horrible at editing videos, you can meet someone that is talented at editing videos, but is a bad writer. You can then do a skill-exchange so that he or she ends up with a well-crafted campaign pitch and you get your well-edited video.

The Rules

To participate in the giveaway you must:

1. Signup for CrowdfundingClassifieds and post a FREE advertisement before Monday July 22nd at 5pm EST. You can ask for someone to help with your campaign, propose a skill-exchange, or advertise some cross promotion opportunities.

2. Leave a comment below with the link to your Kickstarter campaign.

* This contest is ONLY for Kickstarter campaigns. I may do contests for other types of platforms in the future.

How the winner will be picked:

– The winner will be picked randomly from the top 3 most up-voted campaigns below and will be announced on Monday July 22nd at 5pm EST. The only up-votes that will count towards your total are those where the person who up-votes your comment is logged into their Facebook or Twitter account (No guest upvotes. This helps prevent people cheating).

– You can login into your Facebook or Twitter by clicking on the “leave a message” box below and then clicking one of the icons below the “sign in with” label.

How to have a good chance of winning:

– Ask your friends to login with their facebook/twitter below and upvote your campaign clicking the “^” symbol below your posting.

– Don’t down-vote campaigns.


$25 towards your Kickstarter Campaign Pledged on Monday July 22nd at 5pm EST.


If you have any questions about these rules, please leave a comment below.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips