
Ultimate Crowdfunding Launch Formula (For Instant Funding)

How do you turn social media followers into revenue for your company?

How do you instantly get funding on Kickstarter?

These are all confusing topics that demand more attention. If you figure out the solution, it can do wonders for your startup!

Think about it… how could a round of funding change the prospects for your business?  It would accelerate your progress, help you grow faster, and put you on the fast-track to entrepreneurial success.

In this video, I go through the formula behind getting funding on Kickstarter and what you can do to grow your funding meter. Hope you enjoy.

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Let’s get into some of the elements of the strategy you can use to launch a crowdfunding campaign.

Prelaunch: Create Leads Now

A prelaunch refers to the phase where you gather attention, collect followers, and build your tribe before going live on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

Simply put, you’re going out there and you’re generating leads. These leads (ideally) should be qualified. That means a few things:

  1. They suffer from the problem your product solves
  2. They want to buy a solution to this problem
  3. They have the money to buy your product

If you don’t collect qualified leads with a good pre-launch page, then you might end up with having great vanity metrics but no funding. That’s the worst place to be in.

There’s nothing that stings more than having thousands of followers, but no sales.

Am I right?

Warm Up Your Leads

After you collect a bunch of leads, you’ll need to warm up those leads.

All this means is agitate the problem, introduce your story, and get into your promises for your product.

In other words, you’re putting leads in the right frame of mind so that when you ask them to support your Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign, it will be a no-brainer.

I go through this and more in the Kickstarter Launch Formula, which you can find on Udemy | Audible | Amazon.

If you fail to warm up your leads, then people might give you replies like:

  • “Hey – stop spamming!”
  • “Why you promoting so much?”
  • “This is annoying”

Notice that no one ever says those things when they are advertised a product that they desperately want. In fact, you might even seek out ads about the new iPhone or a slick new watch.

Warm up your leads by introducing them to an email sequence like this.

Convert Leads into Sales

The next stage in the process is to convert your leads into sales.

This is where the magic happens and why crowdfunding has taken the world by storm.

It’s allowed campaigns to raise millions of dollars in the span of 30 days (or less).

For a successful conversion to happen, you basically have to kindle desire within your leads. You do this thorough correct framing, an effective pitch video, and a compelling campaign page.

Buying is an emotional decision, but at the same time, you need to justify the promises you’re making with logic and features.

Attract Strangers With Crowdfunding

A successful launch process will allow you to attract strangers on the crowdfunding platform of your choice. It’s freakin’ powerful.

Having a source of leads will give you a big leg up on every other project out there. You’ll be able to rack up funding quickly and start to trend well on the platform.

This will allow you to gain the attention of strangers and truly supercharge your fundraising.

I discuss this in-depth in the video that I created for you today.

Along with watching this video, go check out some of work in the Kickstarter Launch Formula, which shares this entire process from A to Z.

You’ll see exactly what you gotta do to rake six or seven figures in with crowdfunding. These are the techniques and strategies that other entrepreneurs are using.

Kickstarter Launch Formula can be found on Udemy | Audible | Amazon.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this video. Make sure to leave a comment if you have any questions. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos like this.

Good luck with your upcoming campaign! Wish you the best.

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips