
What are the Best Equity Crowdfunding Websites and Platforms?

Want to launch an equity crowdfunding campaign and raise funds for your startup?

Look no further!

Today, I’m going to do a deep-dive on the best equity crowdfunding sites and platforms that you can use to get funding. By the end of this video, you’ll see which one is right for you.

By the way – I put together a complete guide on how to actually get attention for an equity crowdfunding campaign. You can check it out here.

There is a lot more to raising funds than simply choosing a good quality website to host your project. In that guide, I walk you through what you gotta do to be successful.

Hope you enjoy today’s video and the guide. If you like it, take a sec to subscribe to my channel down below.

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I will share some killer tips with you, along with effective strategies to launch with a BANG and get funding from the crowd.

No matter which website that you go with, I wish you luck with your fundraiser. By the way, wanna know which is the leader of the pack?

There is no leading player (here’s why…)

The reason why there isn’t a leader when it comes to equity crowdfunding is because there are several different regulations that allow you to raise funds. Each platform sources deals under different regulations.

I put together a VERY in-depth video which goes into these separate regulations which underly an equity crowdfunding campaign. Warning! It’s a boring video, but it’s accurate and thorough. Drink some coffee before watching it, haha.

Over time, we might see a leader emerge in this space, but at the time of writing, the leaders are confined to the individual regulations, like Reg A+ or Reg CF. You can learn about some of those statistics here.

What you should be wondering right now…

So, now you have a clear idea of what the top websites are, but you’re probably wondering which is right for you. Am I right?

Here are a few key points that you should be considering:

  • How much are the site’s fees?
  • How many investors are on the platform?
  • What stage of the crowdfunding process do they help with?
  • What type of regulations do they specialize in?

I’ve been working hard to get some good quality portal-specific reviews out there so that you’ll have some guidance as you go through this process. Some examples include:

These are just a few to get you off to the races. I’ll be publishing more in the future (especially if I get good feedback on the ones I’ve just put out). Shoot me an email if you have questions about a specific site.

Will the platform bring you the investors?


Not really.

Well – a little bit, but not much.

Of course, each platform has access to a network of investors. When you launch an equity crowdfunding campaign, you’ll gain access to that network. The platform may promote you or send out your fundraising announcement in their newsletter.

However, you should not count on their investors making up the bulk of your funding round. You gotta plan to bring your own crowd and driving awareness to the campaign, using some of the techniques that I discussed in my book, Equity Crowdfunding Explained.

Many startups will actually hire a marketing firm to help with their investor outreach and PR. I included a list of service providers in my guide. Other startups will figure it all out themselves.

The worst mistake that you can make is to think that just by picking the right platform, the game is over. Unfortunately, it’s only just begun!

Your team is the lifeblood of your fundraiser

Your success with equity crowdfunding hinges on the team that you assemble to help you throughout this process. That could include lawyers, accountants, marketing agencies, and coaches or consultants.

Personally, I help on the coaching and consulting side. I can make sure that you have the right strategy and work one-on-one with you as you undergo this process. I’ve had the privilege of speaking with many successful crowdfunders.

Similar to the creation of a product, your team is directly responsible for the quality of work that you put out there into the world. Fail to build an effective team and you’ll fail to raise money with crowdfunding.

The good news is that a great team can also transition into a great startup support system. They can continue to help your company even after the fundraiser has been completed.

Get excited because going through one of these campaigns is literally like going through a business bootcamp. You’ll grow a ton as an entrepreneur, rally the troops around a cohesive vision, and even get funding to expand your startup!

About Author

Salvador Briggman is the founder of CrowdCrux, a blog that teaches you how to launch a crowdfunding campaign the right way. ➤ Weekly Crowdfunding Tips